Equipment you’ve come to depend on in your daily life might suddenly go down today. This might throw you into a panic, but don’t fall into this trap. Phone a friend who knows about these things or bring in a professional. At times like this, it’s best not to agonize over a malfunction but to just get it taken care of as quickly as possible.
Romantic matters suddenly take a turn for the better as a long, fascinating conversation takes place between you and your partner. This could involve a subject that intrigues you both, so let the information fly! The discussion could end with plans to dig up more facts on the subject. What you find will probably bring up more questions than answers!
Excitement mounts in your household when some new equipment comes into your possession. This could involve a computer, phone, or some other device. This could make a big different to everyone, but make sure you don’t treat it like a toy. You’ll want it to last a while!
Expect a full day of activity. You might spend a lot of time on the phone, perhaps making arrangements for a social event. There may also be a number of errands to run, though there could be some difficulty with them. Perhaps some items you need are out of stock. You’ll still feel productive by day’s end.
This could be a lucky day as far as money matters are concerned. Perhaps a sum you were expecting and gave up on will arrive unexpectedly, or a chance to earn some extra income could come up. There might be paperwork involved, and the circumstances may be unusual, but don’t be intimidated. Think of this as the day you grabbed the gold ring!
You tend to be unconventional, but today you could outdo even you. A spiritual experience could be at the heart of it. You’re changing in ways that are obvious to everyone. Don’t worry if they’re confused. You’ll be confused, too. Think of yourself as a caterpillar becoming a butterfly! The transition may be strange, but the butterfly is far lovelier than the caterpillar!
Unusual dreams, visions, and audio phenomena may come to you today. You might think you’re hearing voices. Before jumping to conclusions, rule out any logical conditions. You’re not crazy. This probably indicates a growing psychic awareness. You should write down what you see, hear, or learn during this time. It could be valuable.
Some fascinating news could reach you today through a friend or group activity. This could involve something close to home or an intellectual subject, perhaps one discussed by the group. You’ll want to tell others as soon as you can. Make sure of your facts before you do. Some of them may be garbled.
Knowledge of a specialized nature could come into your possession today. At some point you could be the center of attention. Everyone, including those with influence over your career, wants to know what’s going on. You’ll tell your story and everyone will be rapt, hanging on your every word, expecting answers without even knowing the questions.
If you’ve wanted to take a class in astrology, science, or computers, it’s time to sign up. If you’re already taking such a class, expect a fascinating, stimulating discussion in connection with it. Make sure you take notes, as you won’t want to forget this information as soon as you hear it.
If you’re trying to learn a computer program, you might obsess about it. In fact, it might even haunt your dreams. It could be frustrating, dreaming about math and computers when you’re more used to vivid images, but look at the dreams anyway. Should your mind be operating in a more scientific manner right now? Does something in your life not “add up”?
A social event today could put you in touch with fascinating new people in interesting fields. Intriguing discussions could take place throughout the evening. The only problem is if you go there with a partner, you probably won’t see much of him or her. You might get involved in separate conversations that last for hours. You’ll have a lot to share later!