A new, exciting neighbor could move in near you. If you’re single, this person might be a potential romantic partner. If you aren’t, you could make a new friend. When you meet, you could hit it off immediately and talk for hours. But don’t monopolize this person’s time. You won’t want to disrupt the moving process. Don’t be shy about seeking this person out later.
Have you been waiting to execute some paperwork regarding money? If so, you might finally be able to do it today. Your signature on these documents may represent the first step to increased income as well as a whole new life, perhaps even something as subtle as a transformed state of mind. The change could be as monumental as a move to a distant place. Make the most of it.
Transformation of your life, even your very being, may have been in the works for some time. Today you could finally see it made manifest. Dreams come true, perhaps in an unconventional and unexpected manner. Don’t move too quickly or eagerly. Think carefully before committing to any plans. Don’t be afraid to consult others. Move cautiously and good fortune will follow.
Have you been concentrating strongly on spiritual studies for a while? Do you meditate regularly? If so, don’t be surprised if insights and revelations come to mind today. Write them down. There will be too many to remember. If you’re inclined toward writing, you might set your ideas down in a book, perhaps with publishing in mind. Doors open wide for you
Today you’ll meet a very compatible and exciting circle of new friends. These people may be from foreign countries, or they might be involved in professions in religion, law, or education. They’ll feel like kindred spirits. You’ll be able to talk with them for hours. Whatever their circumstances, these people could be your friends for life.
Today an opportunity may come your way that causes you to consider changing your career. No matter what you’ve been involved with up to now, education could attract you, perhaps involving metaphysical or philosophical subjects. Is transforming your working life the right thing to do now? Only you know. Bear in mind that this opportunity may be a gift from the Universe. Follow your heart.
New beginnings are heralded today, particularly where travel, education, and legal matters are concerned. Difficult decisions may need to be made. Don’t agonize over them. Whatever you decide should work out beautifully. Think carefully about your plans. Take care of any paperwork that you’ve put off before moving on to more interesting matters.
Your dreams may hold the key to your future financial success. Though the symbols that your unconscious sends could be obscure, it would pay you to try to make sense of them. You may have had experiences in the past that enable you to make practical decisions now, especially concerning money. Make a list of your insights and check them out. You’ll find this useful!
The primary focus today should be on romance and commitment. Have you been thinking about getting married? If so, you could be surprised to learn that your significant other has been thinking the same thing. This could be the end of a long period of uncertainty. It’s apt to prove a very healing experience. Don’t be surprised if people tell you how attractive you look!
A new addition to your routine may be in the works. Whether this involves work that produces additional income or is of a voluntary nature, you can expect your tasks to change in some way, probably for the better. You could also be thrown in with people you find compatible.
A new romance is definitely in the air. This could be a renewal of he romance within a current relationship or, if you’re single, someone new and exciting might cross your path. This person could be from a distant place or in a profession such as law or education. Whatever your situation, the feeling is going to persist at least through next month.
Have you been thinking about moving? Perhaps you’ve even bought a new home. Whatever your situation, you may execute some paperwork today, perhaps an agreement with a realtor or contractor, or maybe escrow papers. This could be frustrating, as the wording of the documents might seem obscure. Get it out of the way. You won’t regret it