Some interesting information could come to you from another state or country, Aries. This could induce some pretty deep thinking, leading to decisions that could alter the course of your life in some way. You might be considering returning to school to advance your education. Your mood today should be optimistic and positive. You could be full of utopian schemes for the future. Wait a few days and then start to make definite plans.
You should wake up feeling strong and confident, Taurus. Expect to receive some good news today, which will only heighten your mood. In the afternoon you could attend a party or neighborhood get-together. You’ll have a good time talking to friends and meeting new people. In the evening, relax!
Your outgoing and jovial nature is intensified today, Gemini, and so you’re probably going to be sought after for any parties or celebrations. Your generosity is also at an all-time high, and will take many forms, which will be appreciated by that special someone in your life. Think about taking your partner with you as you make the social rounds tonight and making him or her the star of the evening.
Inspiration is the keyword for today, Cancer. An optimistic and enthusiastic attitude could lead to powerful imaginings, which may take solid form as plans for future projects. These could be artistic, business related, or centered around your home in some way. Whatever they are, this is a good day to put those plans into motion. All signs indicate success on any project begun or completed today.
A group you’re associated with could bring information to your attention that puts you in a very positive frame of mind and almost has you skipping all the way home. You should enjoy socializing today, Leo, as you’re even more gregarious than usual. Both old and new friends could seek out your company. A victory of some kind has come your way, contributing to your great mood. Enjoy your day!
Your faithful and diligent work, Virgo, in addition to a lot of sacrifices for the sake of your career, will soon bear fruit. The anticipation of a great evaluation, with possible advancement, is likely to have you walking on air all day, full of dreams and plans for the future. Enjoy this well-deserved peace of mind. Spend some time today enjoying your family. Perhaps you could plan a pre-celebration.
Congratulations, Libra! You’ve finally reached a goal you’ve been working toward for a long time. Success and advancement are on their way, and you should be feeling extremely enthusiastic and optimistic about your future. Some vast changes may take place in your life, but they all promise to be positive. Expect to travel and learn a lot. Make the most of these energies.
Vivid, wonderful dreams may have haunted your sleep last night, Scorpio, leaving you disappointed that they weren’t real. They have a message for you, so write them down, set them aside, and analyze them later. Your psychic abilities and imagination are very sharp today. This is a great day to start an artistic project that has been in the back of your mind for some time. Enjoy your day.
Feel free to take full advantage of the very open social energies of today, Sagittarius. You, especially, will feel at home in any social gathering, totally at ease talking to new people and charming the room. This would be an ideal day to meet someone new. Someone of the opposite sex may be particularly attracted to you. Feel free to be as flirtatious as you want!
Expect some very pleasant surprises today, Capricorn. If you’re single, you’re likely to receive a phone call from someone who interests you romantically. This should greatly increase your level of self-confidence, and you’re therefore likely to float through the rest of the day. With these aspects, any new relationship or project begun today will have a wonderful energy behind it.
You should be feeling especially strong, healthy, and charismatic. You’re likely to receive some invitations to exciting parties. You might be surprised at what seems a sudden increase in your popularity. Expanded career opportunities could also come your way from new acquaintances, and you could find doors opening to a whole new life – new friends, new position, and possibly a new home.
Optimism and enthusiasm for the months ahead have you feeling confident and strong. The sky’s the limit! A male visitor could have some surprising news for you. This is a great day to make investments or purchase property. If you’ve been expecting money through legal papers or contracts, it could come in the mail today. The night could bring vivid and interesting dreams. In all, it’s a thoroughly satisfying day.