Take care of the people around you, Aries. Service is an important part of the day, as compassion and caring are at the forefront of your mind. Be a reassuring caregiver for someone close who needs a nurturing shoulder, whether in the safety of your home or through the miracle of electronic communication. You’ll win many loyal friends to your side as you share your passionate nature with others.
You may feel as if you’re sinking into an emotional vortex, Taurus. Be careful about asserting ownership over things that aren’t really yours to claim. It’s important not to accuse someone of being a thief when you have no facts to back up that accusation. Keeping things in balance may be difficult with the great amount of emotional sensitivity in the air at this time. A little generosity of spirit will go a long way.
Your thinking is quite clear, Gemini, and you’ll find that your emotions support your mental processes. Your psychic nature is strong, so you should trust your hunches. The masculine and feminine sides of your being are working together harmoniously to balance out the degree of give versus take in your world. The key to maintaining this careful balance is not taking on other people’s problems as if they were your own.
You may need to keep your spaceship idle today, Cancer, and perform a safety check for your crew. Make sure everyone on board is informed of the destination. It could be that you just picked them off the street without really telling them where they might end up. It’s important that you not drag people unwittingly into your world. If they voluntarily give the controls to you, however, that’s a different story.
Things may not be as obvious as they first seem today, Leo. Don’t get started on a project until you understand the full scope of what you’re getting into. Otherwise, you may find yourself caught in the middle of an emotional drama that leaves you little room for escape. Don’t be surprised if your motivation suddenly dissipates and you’re left with no incentive to get your work done.
Don’t try to force your ideas on anyone, Virgo. It’s important to maintain neutrality so that you can act from a steady state of mind when someone brings you an issue that needs to be dealt with right away. The key is to act rather than react to a situation. If you know you’re right about something, keep it to yourself. There’s no need to rub it in anyone’s face and tell them they’re wrong.
Your intuitive nature is especially strong, Libra. You won’t have to think about things because today you just know the answers. If any penetrating detective work needs to happen, this would be an excellent time to do it. Your caring, sensitive nature will get you through any door you want to walk through?metaphorically, of course, since you’re sheltering in place. Keep that smile on your face at all times.
Any argument you start today is likely to erupt into a brutal emotional battle, Scorpio, so beware. Try not to tread on anyone else’s turf, because you’ll find that they’re likely to be possessive and even belligerent about defending what is rightfully theirs. Avoid volcanic eruptions of energy. Don’t pick fights where they aren’t needed. You can civilly resolve issues without doing harm to others.
You may find that people are likely to challenge your mental process today, Sagittarius. Don’t be surprised if they seem to argue with your ideas left and right. Your heart may be especially tender, and any sort of perceived attack could affect you deeply. On the other hand, you can use your sensitivity to calm a situation that needs to be remedied.
The key for you today, Capricorn, is using your heart more than your head. Base your actions on your feelings and inner understanding of the situation. Facts alone may deceive you if you’ve become too reliant on a single, linear, logical way of thinking. Just as the pandemic has shown us the minute complexities of our world, you need to recognize the interconnectedness between many different areas in your life.
Things should go especially well for you today, Aquarius, so don’t worry about any of it. Life doesn’t necessarily get easier as you get older?you just learn how to deal with things. You’ll find this to be true right now as your incredible sensitivity and wisdom make it possible for you to attain a clearer perspective. You realize that, despite the fear and disruption of COVID-19, things may actually be much better than you thought.
The more attention you try to get from other people today, Pisces, the more they’ll ignore your fancy displays and grandiose ideas. Take a much more sensitive approach. You’ll be a better when you walk behind people, encouraging them along?at a safe distance, of course. Earn the respect of others by understanding and relating to their emotions. Your heart is big and bold, and you have a lot of love to give.