Today you might be more attracted to unusual art forms. Perhaps exhibits of local artists have caught your attention, or you may be developing a taste for alternative music. Movies with a lot of special effects could also appeal to you. If you’re so inclined, this is a good day to start learning about any of these fields.
An old friend you may not have seen for a long time could come to visit today. This should be a surprise, but you’ll probably be glad to see this person. You could purchase a new piece of equipment of some kind – a computer or home entertainment center. Your home should be busy, but you’ll have fun.An unexpected invitation from a friend could have you taking a short trip, perhaps to visit this person. Conversations with friends should prove interesting and enlightening. A part of you may be forever changed for the better. New interests, perhaps humanitarian, could come your way. It’s a busy, satisfying day.
An unexpected invitation from a friend could have you taking a short trip, perhaps to visit this person. Conversations with friends should prove interesting and enlightening. A part of you may be forever changed for the better. New interests, perhaps humanitarian, could come your way. It’s a busy, satisfying day.
New career opportunities appear on the scene to reawaken your ambition. You might come across some unusual possibilities for advancement that you’ve never considered before. This can be a bit intimidating but also exciting. You’re unlikely to pass up any chances until you consider them. Success and good fortune are indicated.
Today you may plan a long journey to a place you’ve never been, probably in the company of a lover or close friend. The excitement of making the arrangements brings you closer, and a great time is promised. Romance looks good, as increased communication between you and your special someone is strongly indicated. The two of you may have an exciting evening out.
An unexpected visit from a friend you haven’t seen for a while could bring up long-forgotten memories. You could confront hidden psychological and emotional issues. Though it may be tempting, don’t try to repress them again. It’s important that you face and release these points. Today you should greatly enjoy seeing your friend again.
Today you may fall in love at first sight. Perhaps with someone you’ve never met before or an old friend you suddenly see in a new light. You could also learn something wonderful you never knew before about a current partner. However it manifests, today bodes well for romance. Look your best all day. If possible, go out with your partner tonight!
Exciting new developments make you upbeat about your career. Perhaps the Earth-shattering solution you’ve been searching for suddenly happens, or an enthusiastic potential partner appears on the scene. Either way, you’re excited, and you can look forward to interesting projects and possible advancement. You could also make a new friend, someone who will around for a long time.
Interest in art from distant lands might capture your interest today, possibly through the influence of friends. Your desire to travel may be awakened, and you might toy with the idea of visiting faraway places, perhaps in the company of a lover. If you’re serious, start doing research. This is a great day to plan a vacation.
Purchases for your home might be one of your projects today. Your aesthetic sense is very high right now and your good taste at a peak. You’re likely to be more attracted to the unusual and unconventional than usual. Unexpected but welcome visitors could come to your door, and some fascinating conversations could result. You might even host an impromptu event.
Some unexpected but welcome communications could come your way, probably from a lover or close friend. Planning for a pleasant, exciting journey is indicated. Today you relate well to others, friendships grow closer, romantic relationships become more intimate. Someone close to you could move to your neighborhood. Plan a small gathering for tonight.
Experiments combining creativity and technology could lead to opportunities to increase your income. You’re receptive to new ideas and willing to make an effort to put them to work for you. You’re likely to uncover new talents that you didn’t know you had. This is a great day to sign up for a class, attend a lecture, or seek tutoring.