The planetary shift will probably be imperceptible today, but you’ll have several months to understand how this change impacts you. It will dawn on you that you feel a strong need for liberation. Perhaps you need to release yourself from the bonds of your group. Change and innovation are in the air!
You mustn’t expect any enormous changes today. The process you began three or four years ago will accelerate slightly. You’re changing the moorings of your identity, the ideas that make you sure of who you are. Your family, background, and education no longer count for as much as your spiritual foundations.
The day ahead should be fairly positive. You’ll begin to feel the faintest hint of a major change beginning. This new phase will last seven months. As it progresses, you’ll find greater freedom of expression. You can expect to shift into high gear on subjects you used to avoid in the past. Some friction with siblings may arise in the next few months.
The solar system is liable to trigger a transformation that will last several months. The change will center on the means you use to fulfill yourself in terms of your career and love life. If you feel hemmed in by your training or upbringing, you can expect to seek liberation from these inhibitions in the months to come.
It’s an excellent day for you! Although no major events occur today, there’s the promise of freedom in the coming months. A fundamental shift is about to occur in your occupation and love life. As the months unfold, you can expect to be more visionary, more creative, and perhaps more rebellious. You’ll be much more effective than in the past two or three years.
To understand the shift occurring today, you must look at events from a lofty perspective. A slow liberation process is gathering momentum. Over the next few months you won’t refuse an opportunity to rid yourself of an oppressive part of your past. You’ll shed your old complexes and emerge renewed. Don’t be alarmed if family relations suffer a bit. The distress is only temporary.
The gentle winds of change are blowing through your life at the moment. You have a feeling of newness and an open attitude toward the world. Some outside events give you the impression that you’re advancing in a concrete manner toward a new life. You can expect to have some pleasant surprises.
In your case, the phrase “turning point” has some meaning. This turning point could take the form of a new person or a key event that changes things forever. Sometimes amazing things we hear about really do happen. One of these things may be happening to you in the coming months.
It may be that you’ve come back deeply changed from a long voyage. Of course, travel changes everyone to some extent, but in your case, the change is more profound. You’re going to have a problem getting back into your old life. It may feel too limiting for you. So what are you waiting for? Change it!
If you feel suffocated by your romantic relationship, if you feel it lacks spice or is too traditional, then why not liberate yourself? Today’s planetary energy will help you turn even your craziest ideas into reality. Starting today, you’re going to be asked to be more decisive.
You’ve met some strange people who have greatly influenced your attitude about your marriage or partnership. Some people have been pushing you toward more freedom. These people have been influenced by the planetary alignments, but that’s no reason you have to be. Freedom or lack of it is completely subjective.
If you’ve yearned to modify something in your daily life, do it now. The planetary energy is telling you that the hour has come to make concrete changes. Whether the change you seek is at home or at work, physical or emotional, don’t be afraid to seriously upset the status quo of your life.