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: Le 10/08/2023 à 11:25 | MAJ à 18/07/2024 à 17:28
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Publié : Le 10/08/2023 à 11:25 | MAJ à 18/07/2024 à 17:28
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You may find yourself running in a million different directions, Aries. This is a good day to do errands. You can juggle many things at once, so continue with confidence. Make sure that you do each task thoroughly instead of skimming over them. Others are likely to notice your work. Do work that makes you proud.


Your emotions are likely to be pulled to extremes, Taurus. A key aspect of today is communication, and it wields a great deal of power. People are fighting for knowledge today so be sure of your facts before you start tossing them out there. You’ll command respect from others, thanks to your solid commitment to the truth.


Don’t underestimate people’s sensitivity to certain situations, Gemini. You may work with a detachment that’s healthy on a day like this. You can deal with issues in a levelheaded way without getting caught up in emotional drama. Meanwhile, others might take things very personally. Be aware of their needs. These people are some of your most valuable resources. Treat them with respect.


Talking things over with friends is likely to be a nourishing exercise for you, Cancer. Instead of trying to work things out in your head, say them aloud and ask others for their perspectives. A tremendous amount of healing can take place when you confess what’s bothering you. Find the relief that comes from having a willing listener.


Engage in lively activities with friends who keep you abreast of the latest in culture, Leo. See a movie, go to a bookstore, or visit a museum. This should be a fun time in which you can bounce ideas around and explore your thoughts and feelings. Be careful that your conversation doesn’t lapse into gossip. Don’t let everyone else’s affairs suddenly become more important than yours.


You may think few people understand you, Virgo. Even if you try to explain your thought process and where you are emotionally, it still seems like others are more concerned with themselves. Only you can really understand how you feel. Be your own cheerleader. It isn’t necessary for everyone to understand everything about you. An air of mystery is part of what makes you intriguing.


Your mood is likely to be malleable, Libra, depending on the people you’re with and situation you’re in. One minute you may be high as a kite and the next you’re down in the dumps. There’s likely to be very little middle ground. The key for you now is to align yourself with those with a positive attitude who can bring helpful working solutions to the issues.


Try not to spend too much time on one issue today, Scorpio. It’s possible that you’ll get so wrapped up in it that that you’ll find it hard to deal with anything else. Take care of one issue the best you can and move to the next without dwelling on the first. Your focus is strong, and you can tackle many issues efficiently.


Things should be going well for you, Sagittarius. Stay on track and you’ll have a clear runway. If you deviate from where you need to be, you might get a harsh reminder from something or someone. There are powerful forces at work. You’ll benefit if you work with instead of against them. Maintain your focus on the truth and those aspects that align with your soul.


You may feel like you’re walking a tightrope, Capricorn. One wrong step will cause you to tumble to the ground. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. You may see things as life or death situations when what’s required now is an upbeat attitude. If you insist on making things more complicated than they need to be, you may turn away the very people who can help you.


Someone or something may intimidate you and make you want to retreat, Aquarius. But this person or situation is the very thing you need now in order to do what you have to do. Opportunities are there for you even though they may be disguised. Once you find them you will know. Have confidence that you’re ready for the next step in your journey.


There may be power struggles brewing beneath the surface that become evident in your interactions, Pisces. Your first reaction may be to get upset and make your viewpoint even more rigid. It’s important that you be more laid back. Accept that other people have different perspectives on the situation. Work with instead of against them. Walk away if others are unreasonable.