Today is a day in which you need to use logic. You could receive an unsettling and unexpected letter or phone call, perhaps involving money. The person communicating with you is probably operating under a misconception, so don’t panic if it’s bad news. Talk to people in a position to know the facts before moving ahead with the information. Chances are it’s been garbled.
Your level of concentration generally tends to be strong, Taurus, but today you could be temporarily at a disadvantage. Your thoughts seem vague and disjointed and you’re less able to express yourself clearly and precisely. Make sure the people around you know that. At the same time put in extra effort to make yourself understood or you could cause confusion.
Today you might intuit some strange and unsettling thoughts and feelings from a brother, sister, or neighbor, Gemini. This person isn’t likely to want to talk about what’s bothering them, even if you express concern. Sometimes people have to work these things out for themselves. Just make it clear that you’re available to talk about it and then let it go. That’s all you can do now.
Some disconcerting information you receive today from a group you’re affiliated with could have you wondering if you have a future with this group, Cancer. This might be disillusioning for you, but this isn’t a good day to make any decisions. Wait a few days and then consider what you heard today objectively and assess its impact. You’ll be in a far better frame of mind.
Usually your mind is sharp and centered, Leo, but today you’ll probably feel like you can’t think straight. Your thoughts might be vague and disjointed. If there’s something you need to do immediately, either make a great effort to focus on the task at hand or get some help. Otherwise, leave major chores or decisions for another day. You’ll be your old self again tomorrow.
You generally tend to be intuitive, Virgo, but today your sensitivity might approach the level of an oracle – or seem to! You might have some good luck picking up the thoughts and feelings of others, but your premonitions, while plentiful, are off track. Write them down and check them out later, but don’t put any stock in them, at least not now.
You may have a very strange and somewhat disturbing dream about a friend tonight, Libra. It may wake you up in an unsettled state. Write it down if you can. This might exorcise some of the emotions involved and shed some light on whatever caused you to have the dream. Don’t worry! Chances are it’s symbolic and not prophetic.
A lack of communication between you and someone close could lead to misunderstandings, Scorpio. This might not seem that important, but sometimes a lack of clarity can lead to bad feelings in the future. Make your intentions clear to everyone. If someone misinterprets anything thing you say, explain it more precisely right then. You don’t want some careless words to come back to haunt you.
Today you might be so intent on your work that you don’t hear what someone says to you, Sagittarius. No matter how important your task, take the time to listen and pay attention to what someone tells you, however trivial it may seem now. It might not matter in the end, but it’s best to err on the side of caution. Sparing a few minutes now could avoid a serious rift in a friendship.
If you’re presently romantically involved, Capricorn, you could find that one of you feels very passionate while the other doesn’t. Compromise! If you’re currently unattached, someone for whom you feel nothing could express an interest in you that’s more than friendly. This is a difficult situation, but you have to sidestep this person’s attentions without hurting any feelings.
Are you working at home today, Aquarius? This won’t make your efforts any less intense, especially if your work involves writing or speaking on the phone. Whatever you’re doing will probably seem urgent. You need to do things carefully or you may miss important details or express yourself vaguely. Slow down and don’t work too quickly. It may take longer, but you won’t regret it
A strange letter or phone call could come your way today, Pisces, and the information you receive could seem rather garbled. It may be good news or bad, or possibly neither, but don’t accept it at face value. Somewhere along the line someone has misinterpreted some important information. If what you hear is important to you, check the facts before accepting it as truth.