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Jessila: Le 02/11/2020 à 12:45 | MAJ à 02/11/2020 à 12:45
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Publié : Le 02/11/2020 à 12:45 | MAJ à 02/11/2020 à 12:45
Par : Jessila


You’re entering a period of doubt, especially about your love life. You like your relationships and feelings to be clear. You may think a lot about your relationships over the next few days. Are you sure you’ve chosen the right person? Are his or her feelings sincere? Could you live without this person? The next two months will bring you the answers. Don’t forget, no one is perfect.



For a month you may have had problems communicating with the people close to you, Taurus. This is nothing to worry about, yet it might make you feel off balance. This is a great day to settle conflicts from the last month or make your feelings clear to other people. Don’t be afraid to play “truth or dare.” Honesty is the best policy. Dare them to be honest with you.



Gemini, you tend to live your life vicariously through your partner. Today you may come to the realization that this isn’t healthy for you. You may realize that you give more of yourself than you get back, draining you of energy. In fact, you’re almost completely out. Be selfish today. You need to do something for you for once, and it’s about time!



Cancer, you see new horizons. It’s possible that the changes you’ve been going through lately aren’t completely finished. You may even have a hard time keeping yourself from running away from it all. Your rebirth will only be complete after you clearly define your desires. Use today to think about what you want. Things aren’t completely clear.



Leo, you hide your emotional needs from others. You need to be able to trust someone in order to share your feeling. They have to guess at your deepest secrets. Today you could save a lot of time in your love life if you just tell your partner what you want out of your relationship or even what you’d like to change about it. Talk about it. Your partner is listening.



Today you may want to change some of the moral and social values that get in the way of relationships. After surmounting these kinds of obstacles yourself, and watching others struggle with them, you’ve decided that it’s time to do away with them once and for all. Just be careful to respect the private lives of the people close to you. Not everyone is as open-minded as you are!



Libra, the people around you sometimes have a hard time understanding where you’re going. You’re living in an imaginary world that has little to do with reality. If you decide to stay home and lie around the house, you will have no problems. If you have to go to work, try to be as clear as possible with others. If you don’t, your proposals could fall on deaf ears.



You may have doubts over the next few days, Scorpio. Don’t make any important decisions about your future during this relatively unproductive period. If someone in your professional or personal life asks you to make more of a commitment, you may be tempted to put on the brakes without really knowing why. Wait a while before answering this kind of question.



What are you afraid of, Sagittarius? Is it contact with other people? It’s as if an invisible rope were holding you back from getting close to people, or worse, pulling you back. What’s this about? You’re going through a period that’s closely linked to your past. A failed relationship still haunts you and casts its shadow on the current one. Get rid of the skeletons in your closet!


It’s very possible that you will want to take a step back today in order to take a closer look at your relationships. Your address book is full of names. Your phone rings off the hook. You receive tons of texts and emails every day. Yet isn’t it funny that you feel alone? It’s time to get rid of the superficial relationships and concentrate on those that really mean something to you.


If you feel you’ve been looking to the past lately, Aquarius, it’s in order to liberate yourself from it. You may feel like revisiting your childhood or rekindling certain relationships with old friends. But the planets are making you a bit too romantic, and the reality of things will disappoint you. Looking backward isn’t the best way to move toward the future. Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be!



Sometimes your relationships are like magnets, Pisces. When you want to get close, the other person tries to get away from you. When you take a step back, he or she runs back into your life. Human nature is complex. Right now, you’re probably taking a step back, although you haven’t given up completely. This rest will give you time to think about which side of you is the most magnetic.