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Naresh: Le 07/03/2022 à 22:55 | MAJ à 07/03/2022 à 22:55
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Publié : Le 07/03/2022 à 22:55 | MAJ à 07/03/2022 à 22:55
Par : Naresh


Communication with a significant other might hit a brick wall, and you may not be able to get through. Money could be coming in the mail, Aries, but probably won’t arrive today. This could be a day full of frustrations, but the evening should make up for it. Love and romance look great right now. This is a wonderful day to schedule an evening with your partner – or to look for one. Enjoy!



You are passionate by nature, Taurus, but the strength of your desires might surprise even you today. You’re feeling especially romantic and even sexier than usual. You’ll want to spend time alone with your lover. Don’t be surprised if you attract admiring glances from others, even strangers. Communication on all levels should be clear and forthright. Enjoy a great evening!



Communications with family members and others should be clear, honest, and loving. Although your physical passions may be surging beneath the surface today, Gemini, they’re still very much present. You’re likely to be feeling particularly romantic, and might want to read racy novels or go to a sexy movie. This is the night to be alone with that special person. Make sure you look your best. Have fun!



A phone call from your sweetheart might bring out your passionate, romantic side today, Cancer. You’ll probably have a lot to do, and therefore not be able to meet with him or her until late. All signs indicate that the encounter will be worth the wait. You should be especially attuned to your partner right now. You might know instinctively what they need from you now. Buy some new clothes, and enjoy!



As someone who tends to operate through your intellect, Leo, you might be surprised by the surge of romantic passion that comes your way at this time. For today at least, your values might shift from the intellectual to the physical. You’ll probably want to plan a romantic evening with someone special. You might even want to get out and spend some money on clothes. Enjoy your day.



You’re a born romantic by nature, Virgo, but today you’re likely to think more in terms of physical passion than idealized romance. You’re likely to be especially concerned with your appearance, and might want to go for a professional makeover or buy some new clothes. The color blue might seem especially appealing right now, but don’t forget to add some red for passion! Phone your romantic interest and have fun tonight!



Even if you aren’t romantically involved, Libra, you’re likely to feel especially passionate today and anxious to schedule an intimate evening with someone who’s caught your eye. You may not gallop off into the sunset right away, but you could dream of faraway lands. You might want to plan a trip. Be patient and don’t overwhelm this person with too much passion too soon. Wait and see how things go.



While you are Earthy by nature and enjoy physical passion, Scorpio, this might seem even more pronounced today. Racy novels and movies could be especially appealing. You may want to plan a romantic evening with a lover. If you don’t have one, don’t be surprised if an old friend suddenly looks very sexy! This is a great day to shop for clothes. You’re more likely to pick the most becoming items.



Your mind isn’t likely to be on the job today. That could cause a number of problems. You might be feeling especially romantic. You’re thinking about the evening when you can be alone with your romantic partner or at least luxuriate in racy novels or sexy movies. At lunch, buy some clothes you feel are especially flattering and then enjoy your evening!



A renewed sense of physical vigor could have you plunging with determination into whatever projects you need to do today. However, your mind won’t really be on them, Capricorn, as you could be feeling especially passionate now. Your own intellectual and philosophical interests might be uppermost in your mind, right up there with sex and romance! That physical vigor could prove very pleasurable tonight. Enjoy your day.



You’re in a romantic mood today, Aquarius. You’re more likely to notice attractive strangers you pass on the street, and attract admiring glances from them! Racy novels and movies could seem more appealing than usual, and you might do some window-shopping for sensual products. This is definitely an evening to spend with that special person in your life. Have a professional style your hair to make sure you look your best!



An evening at home with your sweetheart could seem very appealing today, Pisces. Sex and romance are very much on your mind, and you might surprise yourself with how Earthy you feel. You could decide to pick up a romantic novel or see a sexy movie. You could learn to communicate better with your partner today, both verbally and physically. Make sure you look your best, and go for it!

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