Today is wonderful for surrounding yourself with those you love the most, Aries. Host a get-together with family and friends, full of stimulating conversation and delicious food and drink. However, you might at some point feel a little sad, missing someone who should be with you but isn’t, and speculating about what he or she may be doing. Concentrate on those there with you. You’re surrounded by love and are likely to remain so.
As a person who enjoys being gregarious and outgoing, days like this provide a wonderful outlet for your energy. You might spend a lot of time with your family today, Taurus, but you’ll also probably touch base with many others. At some point you might find yourself in the spotlight. You’ll feel especially fond of everyone around you and appreciate your good fortune. Enjoy your day.
This is a great time to take advantage of a little solitude to pursue some cherished goals, Gemini. Your concentration and imagination are operating at a very high level, and you may not stop working until you’re completely finished. If you’re starting a project, you’ll probably do well on it and, if business and money are involved, be successful. Don’t let temporary snags get in your way. Go for the gold!
Be careful of gossiping too much with your friends and colleagues, Cancer. It’s fun to laugh and exchange stories, but remind yourself of the fact that the truth in a story is diminished and changed each time it’s repeated. If you gossip too much, your friends may begin wondering what you say about them when they aren’t there. Ultimately, this isn’t healthy behavior for your friendships. Think about it.
Don’t be surprised if you don’t spend too much time at home today. All signs indicate that you’re more likely to be out and about, shopping, visiting, and maybe attending a special dinner or concert. There are a number of family activities that you won’t want to miss, Leo, so don’t let your friends distract you with too much shopping or sports on TV.
You know that you have a very fertile imagination, Virgo, and today’s aspects highlight this special quality. You might wish to channel your thoughts into an artistic endeavor like writing or painting. Be sure to grab any opportunity to weave a fascinating tale for a child. Be careful about letting your imagination run away with you when making judgments about people. They’re most likely on the up and up.
Yikes! What an emotional day, Libra. The planetary energies are forecasting conflict, and lots of it. Do your best to personally steer clear of any of it, and try to avoid being drawn into any arguments. You may wish to keep to yourself today. Tonight either stay in or head out to the movies alone. Don’t worry, everyone will be feeling much better tomorrow.
Emotions will run high with today’s planetary energies, Scorpio. But this is no reason to run away and hide! People will be much more honest than usual, even brutally so, and you could learn some valuable information as a result. Don’t be afraid to listen to some airing of dirty laundry as well. With your discerning judgment, you’ll be able to make sense of what is good information and what isn’t.
Today’s emotional energy risks being exceptionally high, Sagittarius. You may find yourself at the end of your rope by midday. Try to take a long walk or bike ride in order to calm down. Go by yourself and do some deep breathing outdoors. Try to avoid being drawn into other people’s conflicts. Excuse yourself and trust that they can work things out on their own.
Today is good for entertaining, Capricorn. Enjoy the company of family and friends, and don’t get distracted by gloomy thoughts about work or money. Just relax and let others take care of themselves. You enjoy nurturing other people and making sure they have a wonderful time, but you need to have a great time as well, so don’t work too hard. Someone may give you a gift, a token of love and appreciation.
Today’s energies are going to be stirring up everyone’s emotions, Aquarius. You may wish to avoid getting involved in any arguments or conflicts. If you ask for someone else’s advice, you’re likely to get an earful. It may be best to keep to yourself as much as possible today and spend some time alone tonight with a good book. Everything should be much calmer tomorrow.
Yes, you can be proud of yourself, Pisces. You really know your stuff. You have committed yourself to deepening your knowledge and capabilities and it really shows. Friends and family members will be coming to you for advice, and rightfully so. Try not to grow complacent, though. It’s an easy trap to fall into. You’ll need to continue full-speed ahead on your educational journey in order to keep that edge!