With the moon hanging out in Aries until the evening, surges of inspiration can strike all day. With this river of creative juices flowing, reshuffle your schedule to make time to bathe in the pool of ideas. And don’t forget to capture them! When the moon shifts into Taurus this evening, your practical side takes the wheel. The next couple days will be highly productive, and you can hash out an action plan. Pro tip: Picture yourself at the finish line of this mission, then work it backward. What milestones would you need to achieve along the way?
Keep on punishing the “offenders,” or let it go? The moon lingers in your twelfth house of closure and forgiveness until the evening, bringing a strong nudge to drop the grudge. Instead of rehashing the past, try to “accept the things you can’t change.” It doesn’t mean you have to like them. Just table the topic for another time (like, far in the future). Tonight, the moon shifts into your sign, resetting your energy. You’ll feel lit up about what’s next and ready to move on. Best of all, this momentum lasts for two and a half days!
Working well with others has always been your strong suit, Gemini, but even you can get social butterfly burnout. The moon lingers in your collaborative zone today, which is the ideal time for anything interactive. When the moon drifts into your relaxing twelfth house tonight, you’ll feel more solitary. This low-key vibe will stretch over the next couple days, so pace yourself. It’s okay to bail on that Zoom happy hour if you’d rather just relax with Netflix and comfort food.
Your charisma is fired up today, and you’re feeling large and in charge. Divvy up assignments and steer your colleagues through a mission—you know exactly what you’re doing. Later this evening, you might take a step back when the moon shifts into Taurus, your cooperation sector. Trust your team and collaborate rather than dictate. If you’re falling behind collectively, it may be time to streamline systems with software, apps and (if budget allows) better equipment that you research now and buy after Mercury turns direct on February 20.
Remain resolute today Leo, even if your vision meets resistance. You might feel like the Lone Ranger, but don’t cave to groupthink. You’ll gain a following eventually. You simply have to keep showing up, sharing your ideas and being of service to your “audience.” Lay the foundation for your plans today, then run them by the experts in your world this evening—or over the coming two days—as the moon shifts into Taurus and your house of mastery and success.
If you’re feeling cranky or out of sorts, don’t keep pushing yourself. That bad mood of yours can be contagious—and this is not the day to earn a reputation as the downer in the room. That said, you shouldn’t ignore the wisdom of your inner critic. Rather than sharing feedback, review everything privately, take notes, then reflect. Later tonight, as the moon shifts into your optimistic (but candid) ninth house, proactive solutions will begin to emerge. Wait until tomorrow to make them public!
Keep your privacy policy in place, Libra, but don’t fall prey to secrecy. Today, the moon gets in a friendly formation with Mercury retrograde, inviting you to bare your soul…selectively. Rather than wearing a polite mask, push past your inhibitions and share something a little more personal. That’s how you’ll form a legit connection. Don’t assume people know how you feel about them or where you stand on an issue. Spell it out openly. Single? If you’re feeling an attraction, drop a strong hint. This could light the spark of something bigger.
Slipping into people-pleasing again, Scorpio? If you caved to the demands of a colleague or handed too much power to a loved one, grab those reins. Put your own priorities at the top of the list (or close to it!). If you’ve been forging ahead resentfully, circle back to renegotiate the terms of an agreement. In new interactions, set crystal-clear boundaries right from the jump. And don’t forget that you’ve got more than just two choices: yes or no. What else could the two of you create in dialogue?
Your creative juices are flowing today as the moon simmers in your passionate fifth house. Need to rally support for your ideas? Bring your lofty vision down to earth by laying out a sensible project plan. Tonight, the moon shifts into your practical sixth house, offering a reality check. Rome wasn’t retrofitted in a day, Sagittarius. Instead of rushing ahead full speed, do some research and take your time. You want to build this dream on a solid foundation—and avoid breaking the bank in the process.
An emo state of mind has you feeling heavy today, so take some time to explore the root cause of your woes. Listen to your heart: If the idea of something (or someone) doesn’t light you up, reevaluate the situation. A female friend or relative could offer priceless wisdom and insight now. When the moon glides into Taurus and your expressive fifth house tonight, you’ll perk up in anticipation of anything creative. Whether you’re streaming a movie with friends in different cities for a watch party or picking up ingredients for a decadent dinner date at yours, don’t be shy about playing entertainment director!
Give unconditionally today, Aquarius. A close friend may be in crisis mode, so lend your ears without expecting anything in return. Your generosity will be rewarded with good karma and could be reciprocated from an unexpected source. Remember that what goes around always comes around, meaning the amount of love you give will come back to you in abundance. Let yourself be an open universal channel for this energy to move freely.
Weigh both sides of an issue before choosing today, Pisces. If you decide too hastily, you might uncover additional information later on and regret your choice. Do your homework and stay objective. Listen to your gut. If something just feels “off” or doesn’t match your values, it’s worth heeding your instincts. When the moon enters your curious, communicative third house tonight, find people with whom you can bounce these ideas around. Getting multiple outside perspectives will also help you formulate what’s best.