Some books that you find fascinating are changing your life in subtle ways. They may involve new lifestyles or ancient mysteries coming to light or new scientific discoveries. This isn’t likely to be just a passing interest. What you’re learning could well become part of your being. You’ll want to read everything pertaining to the subject.
Usually you trust your instincts about money, but today you should believe even more strongly in your financial sense. Unconventional ideas for increasing your income might come up. While your instincts might say go for it, your logic could tell you no. Help yourself by consulting professionals who know what’s happening. If they agree with your instincts, go for it!
A friend or group could be transforming not only your personality but also your life. The changes could be taking place at a very deep level, so you might not be aware of them. You could be surprised, but don’t be upset. Everyone changes. For you, this transmutation will prove positive. You may not have planned it, but it’s happening.
Have you been thinking about changing jobs or taking up a new profession? If you have, now’s the time to lay the groundwork. If you haven’t considered it, a new opportunity may take you by surprise. You may go from a behind-the-scenes career like banking to a very public profession like acting. Don’t hesitate because of insecurity. If you like what’s happening, go for it.
A radical transformation of your daily routine is definitely in the wind. You may decide to get an advanced degree or move to a foreign country or become more involved with a group. Even for someone as adventurous as you, this particular change might seem outrageous. Don’t worry about it. Follow your heart. Such opportunities often arise only once in a lifetime!
Your values might be under attack. Perhaps someone connected with your job is doing things that seem unethical and you don’t want to be associated with him or her. Whatever the situation, dealing with it may be too difficult. You might even consider leaving your field. Think carefully first! Whatever you decide, you’ll want to be sure that it’s right for you.
Expect to channel a lot of energy into partnerships today. Whether the partnership is new or long term, business or personal, it requires extra effort to maintain now. Perhaps you and your partner need to communicate more. Share your concerns or brainstorm some plans for the future that are a bit different from what you usually do. Make the effort
Delving into the more obscure areas of your work could be your focus today. This could involve some in-depth research, exploring possibilities for new enterprises, or something as mundane as cleaning out files. Intense conversations concerning these matters could take place. Don’t be surprised at anything you turn up. Strange objects or information are definitely in the wind.
Are you currently involved in a creative enterprise with a partner? If so, expect a burst of energy to be directed to completing that project. You might make more progress today than you have in several weeks, though you may be surprised at the direction the enterprise takes. In the evening, schedule a date with a love partner. You’ll have a lot to report!
Some work on your house’s infrastructure might be needed today. The plumbing or electricity might be giving you problems, but you’ll be glad when the repairs are done. Your house will probably run more efficiently. For this reason, it’s best not to try to make the repairs yourself. Even if you’re somewhat skilled in this area, call a professional.
Creative writing or speaking projects might take up a lot of your time today. You could channel not only your mind but also your very being into your work. You’ll probably be so caught up in what you’re doing that you have difficulty returning to the real world when you’re done. Never mind. You’ll probably be pleased with the results.
Family values that you’ve embraced could be challenged today. You might consider some friends to be your true family, or think that an unconventional household works better for you than a traditional one. So what if you prefer a commune to a nuclear family? Don’t let the concerns of relatives cause you to hold back.