You want nothing more than to be alone today. For that to happen, Aries, you need to turn off your phone, shut off the computer, and hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door. Even then, your friends are likely to walk past the sign and ask what’s for dinner. It’s one of those days. People want to congregate and they want to do it at your house. Order your favorite comfort food and enjoy the chaos!
Don’t be surprised if a lot of uninvited visitors show up today, Taurus. You could host an impromptu social event as neighbors stop by to bring news of changes in the area. You have energy to spare right now, so you’re perfectly able to accommodate your guests. But don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Simply offer whatever refreshments you happen to have on hand and let the party take its course.
You can expect to run a lot of errands today, Gemini, even though you would probably prefer to stay at home. You have obligations to fulfill for friends and family, and you can’t bear to let them down. Try to get everything done as quickly as possible so that you’ll still have the afternoon free for yourself.
You have energy to burn, Cancer, and you intend to use it. Ask friends to join you in the park. Or set up a round-robin tennis match for the afternoon. Enjoy your day outdoors, but take care not to push too hard. If you strain muscles today, it could be weeks before you’re fully healed. If you pace yourself and take plenty of water breaks, then you’ll enjoy the day with no repercussions.
Today you could receive word of a promotion or exciting new challenge at work. Although this is something you’ve wanted for a long time, you may hesitate to accept immediately. Could it be because your self-confidence is rather low right now, Leo? Don’t let that stop you! This feeling is only temporary, while the opportunity could develop into something lasting. Don’t lose your chance!
Money and friendship rarely mix, Virgo. Keep this in mind today if a friend hits you up for a loan. You’d be better off helping her strategize ways to earn more money. Much as you like to help the underdog, a temporary approach often does more harm than good. A quick loan won’t help your friend’s fundamental problem of compulsive spending. Offering to pay for counseling would be a gift of enduring value.
This is unlike you, Libra, but today you’re a lean, mean cleaning machine. You get it in your head that this is the day for putting your house in order, and you set about single-handedly doing it. That’s way too much cleaning and organizing for one person to do. Why not enlist some help? Bribe your partner or kids, play some loud music, and all of you will finish the tasks in no time.
You can’t help but feel a bit frustrated today, Scorpio. There are places to go, people to see, and you can’t seem to get out of the house. Your responsibilities are at home now, and the situation won’t change for a while. You can, however, plan some mini-vacations without too much effort. Treat yourself one evening to fantastic take-out food and a sappy old movie. That might be just the thing to lift your spirits.
If you overindulged last night, you’re likely paying the price today. If your head is screaming and your blood feels like molasses, you know that too much of a good thing can make you feel rotten! Much as you feel driven to get out of bed and get on with your chores, there’s no point, Sagittarius. You’d be better off resting. You’ll be your old self by afternoon. Your work can wait until then.
Without a doubt, there’s a lot of work to be done around the house. With today’s planetary configuration, you feel especially vested in making your home look its best. But you don’t have to get everything done today, Capricorn. Rather than scrubbing floors and dusting furniture, why not invest in a few inexpensive items that will perk the place up a bit? A few area rugs and scatter pillows could make a big difference!
You probably aren’t feeling your best today, Aquarius. No doubt your illness is a result of recent overindulgence. You can’t blame anyone but yourself for your crashing headache and queasy stomach. Try not to take your bad mood out on the family. Just ask them to close the curtains and shut the door. You will emerge in the early afternoon feeling a bit wobbly but definitely on the mend.
There is such a thing as being too honest, Pisces. You’ve experienced in the past how your determination to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth can cause hurt feelings. Today try to exercise a bit of tact and diplomacy. You will still be able to get your point across, with the added bonus that your audience will still be speaking to you once you’ve done so.
Source : https://www.horoscope.com/