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Naresh: Le 30/09/2020 à 17:23 | MAJ à 30/09/2020 à 17:23
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Publié : Le 30/09/2020 à 17:23 | MAJ à 30/09/2020 à 17:23
Par : Naresh

For two of the employees of the construction firm, the exercise took place at the Icac headquarters, at the Réduit Triangle, while for the third, the question and answer session took place from his home. is held. This, due to a health glitch that resulted in short-term memory loss.

At the same time, two engineers from the Central ElectricityBoard , Rakesh Kumar Dhunonjoy and Manoj Kumar Jahajeeah, were also questioned in the context of the St Louis power plant case.

Icac is trying to find out how the firm PAD & Co came into possession of the technical details of the call for tenders exercise even before it began.