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Naresh: Le 30/07/2023 à 13:37 | MAJ à 30/07/2023 à 13:37
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Publié : Le 30/07/2023 à 13:37 | MAJ à 30/07/2023 à 13:37
Par : Naresh


Jump on board the fast train and see how far it takes you, Aries. You’ll be surprised at how far you can go with minimal effort. Your grace and polite social mannerisms will help you navigate quickly to where you need to be. You have the wind at your back today. Make the most of this energy by aiming for the top and not resting until you get there.


Flexibility is an important part of today, Taurus. Take a relaxed, laid-back approach. Trying to ram your ideas through isn’t the best tactic. Having tunnel vision will restrict you in many ways. Keep an open mind and be receptive to others’ ideas and opinions. You have a lot of power readily available. It would be a shame to waste it by lacking the breadth of vision to see all your options.


Things coming at you from all sides are forcing you to make a move, Gemini. Don’t be pressured into something you don’t want to do. A nervous restlessness may urge you to act. Don’t let other people boss you around. Secure your position and be strong. Try not to be tempted into situations that you know are going to be bad for you.


Lock into the practical, grounding force of the day that is not only realistic but also flexible. Attend to details and organize yourself, Cancer. Be aware that you may need to alter your course a bit in order to fit the group dynamic. Try to work with those around you to achieve a common goal. Initiating the help of others is easier than you think as long as you stay focused and motivated.


Today is one of those days in which prosperity is much closer than you think, Leo. You may know what you seek, but it’s up to you to take the first step toward going after it. You’re probably looking for solid answers to your deep, probing questions. Don’t let your inquisitive mind rest until you find answers that ring true for you.


Indecision may leave you helpless at a crossroads today, Virgo. Others may be just as undecided regarding which way to go. At the same time, you may feel pressured to take immediate action, and you’re tired of waiting for others to make the first move. Find the answers in simple solutions. There’s more than one correct way. Your choice is always the right one if you believe it to be so.


Latch on to the expansiveness that comes when you connect with others in a social arena, Libra. Communication is a key aspect of the day. If you go with the flow you will land exactly where you need to be. Take the adventurous route and skip around from one thing to another. There’s no need to pin yourself down to one route or way of doing things.


Connect with the stable, grounding energy of the day, Scorpio, but beware that tension may come in the form of fast talk and misinformation. People could be fickle and frantic. Wait for the dust to settle before you pick a road to travel. Impulsive decisions may lead you down paths that aren’t the best choice for you now. Relax and try not to think about it too much!


Any expansive feeling you experience may be rained on today. You could get the feeling that you’ve lost touch with reality. Make sure you connect with real life, Sagittarius, and do a bit of planning to balance your whimsical side. Things that you haven’t accounted for might crop up to serve as a reminder that you need to deal with real life.


Walk to the beat of your own drum, Capricorn. If you try to latch on to the smooth-talking, fast-paced information of the day, your voice could get lost in the crowd. But if you plant your feet firmly and try to plan, you might deprive yourself of spontaneous events that prove the most fulfilling. Chart your own course and don’t be afraid if no one else follows along.


Connect with the fellow sitting next to you or perhaps the woman behind you in line at the store. He or she could share a piece of wisdom that changes your life forever. Be aware that you also could be that person who changes someone else’s life with a single thought or slice of wisdom that you’ve picked up in your travels. Communication is the key to expanding your world in many ways.


Your self-esteem may be challenged today by a fast talker or unpleasant situation, Pisces. Don’t accept things at first glance. There’s a much deeper meaning brewing below the surface, and you’d be foolish not to recognize that. Stick to your guns and stay grounded. Newfangled devices and big promises may not be all they’re advertised to be.



