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Caroline: Le 03/05/2022 à 13:15 | MAJ à 03/05/2022 à 13:15
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Publié : Le 03/05/2022 à 13:15 | MAJ à 03/05/2022 à 13:15
Par : Caroline


Some strange and rather gloomy dreams could come your way tonight, Aries. They could, if you let them, catapult you into a rather depressed mood during the day. Writing them down might help exorcise the negative emotions. You could also be a bit depressed over money. This isn’t a good day to make investments, start a new business, or open up a savings account. Wait a few days until the planets relax a little.


A lack of communication with an unhappy family member could have you feeling a little downhearted, Taurus. You might wonder if you’ve done something to offend this person. Chances are you haven’t. The best way to handle situations like this is to encourage the person to communicate with you. If there’s no response, wait a day or so and ask again. The gloomy mood will pass, so don’t make yourself crazy over it.


The promise of a promotion or raise could be on your mind today, Gemini. You might try to visualize the next steps and anticipate tasks that take more effort and concentration than you’re used to. Don’t panic. It’s better to not push yourself so hard. Wait a few days until the planets relax a little and just do what you need to do – no more, no less. You’ll be successful in the long run.


You might decide to spend a large part of the day working on a project that requires a lot of mental energy. Plans to spend some time with either a close friend or lover might not turn out to be quite what you’d hoped, Cancer. Your friend could be in a rather gloomy mood. A relaxing evening, perhaps a concert or funny movie, can release tension and boost bad moods. Enjoy!


A gloomy guest could arrive today, Leo, and likely need some cheering up. Do the best you can, but don’t try to do it by cooking a meal. The results of your efforts might not be all that exciting. This is a great day to go for fast food. Take your friend to a movie, concert, or art gallery. This could get your mind off his or her troubles and your mind off your friend!


Some rather depressing information could come your way, Virgo, but don’t take it at face value. It might not be as bad as it seems. Check the facts before making yourself crazy. This isn’t a good day for visiting or running errands in your neighborhood, as the traffic could be a nightmare. Anything you try to read today could seem boring, so movies are likely to be the best entertainment now.


Gloom over money matters might catch up with you at some point today, Libra. However, there’s nothing really major to worry about. Financially, your business affairs should be going well, so you’re probably doing better than you think. A little caution might be in order, especially regarding impulse buying or purchasing luxuries. You don’t want to end up having to take items back to the store.


Today you might find yourself feeling a little low, Scorpio, but it doesn’t seem as if there’s any real reason for it. You may just have had a bad night and need some extra sleep. Some good news from far away could cheer you up in the afternoon. You might receive an invitation to go out to dinner with a close friend. You should be feeling like your old self again by evening.


Old memories, traumas, and phobias from the past could affect your mood today, Sagittarius. You might feel depressed without really knowing why. An event in your life has brought these feelings near the surface without revealing the source. If you’ve had any disturbing dreams or visions lately, write them down. They might offer a clue as to what’s bothering you. Meditation or free association could also bring the release you need.


A friend might be feeling a little depressed today and need some cheering up. Social events or group activities could be of great help in doing that, and it would do you some good as well, Capricorn. A long-term goal may finally be reached, justifying a celebration. Interacting with a group could take up a lot of your time and concentration, but take care not to get too tired.


Pivotal career matters may need to be thought through today, Aquarius. A lot could be at stake at work in the very near future. Whatever tasks you need to tend to could require a lot of effort and concentration. There’s a danger of sinking into a gloomy mood over it, but try to avoid this trap. You’ll probably accomplish whatever it is you’re hoping to do, so hang onto that thought. Go to it!


Today you might find that a long-term dream finally comes true. Perhaps a trip that you’ve fantasized about for a long time finally shows promise of actually happening, Pisces. A practical and methodical approach to arranging the details should make it seem that much more real to you. However, do take care to plan each step carefully so that you don’t end up working harder than necessary.