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Caroline: Le 04/07/2022 à 14:47 | MAJ à 04/07/2022 à 14:47
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Publié : Le 04/07/2022 à 14:47 | MAJ à 04/07/2022 à 14:47
Par : Caroline


Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Aries. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor. Dream as big as your mind allows. There’s no limit to the things that can manifest on a day like today. Push your limits and test your boundaries. You may be able to soar much higher than you think.


You’ll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Taurus. Your persuasive manner and gentle nudges are just enough to get people where you want them. Control is all yours if you want it. Remember that you need to be willing to accept the blame for failure as well as praise for success. Any risks you take today, however, are likely to work out in your favor.


When faced with ten entrees on the menu, it might be hard for you to choose just one. Feel free to order two or more, Gemini. Don’t let indecisiveness slow you down. At the same time, don’t view it as something negative. The key for today is to go with the flow. Expand your dreams as far and wide as you wish. Have fun as long as you’re willing to take full responsibility for your actions.


Your dreams won’t come true unless you believe in and act on them, Cancer. No one else is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take matters into your own hands. Realize, however, that you can get there many different ways. The first step is to believe in yourself. Anything is possible. Today is a great day to let your imagination call the shots.


If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them no mind, Leo. You have the right to live your life any way you want to. If that means you want to go around the house in a grubby T-shirt and tattered sweatpants that haven’t been washed in months, then so be it. Feel free to be whoever you want to be.


Reach for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, Virgo. It’s closer than you think. Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals. You should find yourself in a favorable mood all day. People will be more sensitive than usual to your emotions. Let your fantasies lead the way.


Today is your day to dream and dream big, Libra. Think about what it is that you want most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There’s no limit to how far you can go. Your only limitation is your imagination. Don’t worry if your plan doesn’t seem to make any rational sense. Worry more about what you want and less about how you’re going to get it.


Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Scorpio. There’s an incredible opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm. Follow the music. Pick up an instrument, browse an online music store, or listen to your favorite playlist. Let the artist within have room to play. Shoot for a goal and don’t stop until you reach it.


Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Sagittarius, but don’t let this hinder you. In fact, you’ll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring more magic into your life. You’ll discover that the more you accept your bizarre feelings and ideas, the more things will fall into place. Don’t think that everything in life has to be completely rational.


Today is an excellent day for you, one in which you’ll find a great deal of strength in your emotions, Capricorn. Trust that your instincts are serving you well. You have nothing to lose by following your heart. This is an important time for you to rekindle the dreams that you’ve let smolder. Bring more of your fantasy world into your everyday life.


Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Aquarius. Don’t feel like you need to make sense of it all. In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through. Other people are quite malleable, and you should feel free to take the lead in just about any situation. Make sure, however, that you consider other people’s needs.


Mix your reality with a bit of fantasy today, Pisces. Allow your feet to come off the ground for a little while. Give yourself a rest. Take some time to meditate and clear your mind of your daily worries. Calming, relaxing activities are the best way to spend the day. Spend time communicating with friends and feel free to go deep into conversations regarding outlandish subjects. Allow yourself to dream.