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Jessila: Le 04/09/2021 à 23:16 | MAJ à 04/09/2021 à 23:16
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Publié : Le 04/09/2021 à 23:16 | MAJ à 04/09/2021 à 23:16
Par : Jessila


You may put other people’s needs before yours, Aries. There’s an important balance between being selfish and being selfless. Don’t sacrifice yourself to be a servant to others. It’s important that you not think only of yourself without considering how your actions will affect others. You may swing toward the former today. This will only lead to resentment and deplete your emotional and physical resources.


Be disciplined. Maintain your boundaries in order to keep from getting swept into other people’s soap operas, Taurus. It may be fun to escape your problems by jumping into someone else’s life, but soon you’ll find the extra weight is not only taxing but also won’t solve your problems. You may need to say no to others, but that’s fine. It’s vital that you consider your needs.


Don’t go overboard, Gemini. You may get so carried away in the early part of the day that by evening you notice you’ve gone beyond your own boundaries. Regret may sink in, and you may feel guilty about things you said or did. Prevent this by thinking things through before speaking or acting. You have the power to impact people on a deep emotional level. Use this power wisely.


People may be trying to subtly communicate to you, but you may not be aware of this because you’re so caught up in your own difficulties, Cancer. You may feel like you’re driving with the emergency brake on. You’re so preoccupied with running smoothly that you’re unaware of other cars on the road. Stop, release the brake, and drive.


You may feel like you aren’t getting the attention you need or deserve, Leo. Because of this, you may resent the people you feel you should be getting it from. This attitude is likely to make people less likely to come to your rescue. Who wants to be around someone so needy and unhappy? Focus on yourself and your own healing before you take your issues to others.



Try not to push away the very people who are there to help you, Virgo. Dumping your problems on others may be the thing that does just that. Recognize your uncomfortable feelings, but don’t burden others with them. Your happiness is your responsibility. You’ll feel much better about yourself if you take care of your own discomfort. Then you’ll attract the people you love.


Your adaptive powers are useful in that they give you a high tolerance for uncomfortable situations, Libra. At times, however, this trait may not serve you very effectively. You may end up staying in a difficult relationship or unsatisfying job because you fear something new. Life is short. If you want to improve your situation, take responsibility for it. Be proactive.


You may feel lonely and isolated, like there’s no one you can talk to, Scorpio. Your interactions may seem like giving a speech instead of having a discussion. Perhaps you feel like you’re talking to yourself most of the time and no one is really listening. There’s nothing wrong with you or the person you’re talking to. It’s just a phase. Don’t get hung up on it.


Don’t fall into the self-pity trap, Sagittarius. You may have a tendency to mope around until someone notices and asks what’s wrong. If no one does, you might get angry and pretty soon feel like you have no friends. Your mood could worsen, and you might snap when someone asks you a reasonable question. Be careful of sliding down this slippery slope.


You’re at an emotionally climactic time, Capricorn. You may feel like someone is putting a damper on your feelings. Perhaps you’re scared or shy. Perhaps you don’t feel you can express yourself the way you want to. If so, consider why. Do other people make you feel this way or are you uncomfortable with your own feelings? The issue may have more to do with your inner turmoil than with others.


Be careful of letting a sour mood ruin your day, Aquarius. You may not feel particularly cheerful. This is liable to have a dramatic effect on everyone else. Be aware of the fact that your mood may not be an accurate reflection of reality, even though for the most part your world is centered on your moods and the dramatic swings they go through within one day.


Relationships may be a bit difficult, Pisces, so don’t force pleasantry if it doesn’t come naturally. Your motto today should be, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Perhaps this leaves you tongue-tied, but that’s fine. If you need to spend the day alone, so be it. Don’t be social if you don’t feel like it.
