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Caroline: Le 05/08/2022 à 14:06 | MAJ à 05/08/2022 à 14:06
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Publié : Le 05/08/2022 à 14:06 | MAJ à 05/08/2022 à 14:06
Par : Caroline


Mornings aren’t usually your best time, Aries. You aren’t fully awake until afternoon. Try not to discount the events of this particular morning, however. More than likely, you’ll enjoy your best mental clarity sometime before noon. Surprise people with an upbeat attitude and a solution for every problem that comes your way.


Your world may seem rather tight and rigid this morning, Taurus, but the good news is that difficulties are apt to melt away as the day progresses. Don’t assume that opinions are fixed in stone. Things can change in an instant. Even if they seem one way at one point, more than likely they’re going to manifest themselves completely differently later.


This is one of those days in which you’re better able to stand back and look at your emotions intellectually, Gemini. Your freedom-loving nature isn’t built to deal with heavy emotional baggage and turmoil, so don’t bother trying. Be especially wary of those who seem to plop a problem in front of you and expect you to deal with it.


Prepare for a surprise today, Cancer. Perhaps it will come from someone else or perhaps it will come from you. Either way, by evening you’re apt to be feeling quite lovey-dovey and rather spaced out. Give in to the lethargic attitude that might sweep over you. This is your time to play, so put work aside and have a good time while letting your emotions dictate your actions.


Things seem to be going quite well for you in many respects, Leo. Your thinking is clear, your emotions are under control, and the puzzle pieces are fitting into place. This is your time to take advantage of these pockets of good fortune and turn them into something huge. You have the power to make anything happen – especially now.


Your engine may sputter this morning as your gears begin to turn, Virgo. It could be that you’re working out something important in your mind that’s helping clarify your emotions. The answer you seek is probably nothing like the one you’ll find. By the time night comes, you’ll have everything figured out. All the answers you need will be right there in front of you.


Be careful not to overdo things today, Libra. You may so zealously want to meet your goals that you overshoot the mark by quite a bit. Feel free to express your exuberance and let your enthusiasm shine in whatever you do. At the same time, be careful about getting so carried away that you don’t notice that you’ve already reached the finish line.


Tempers may get hot today when someone says something that pierces you to your core. Address this problem right away, Scorpio, instead of letting it fester through the rest of the day. The solution requires sensitivity and caring. Let the offender know that he or she has hurt you significantly, if that is indeed the case. There’s no need for you to try to hide your feelings.


Don’t be surprised if you leap out of bed with a spark of inspiration that wasn’t there last night, Sagittarius. Let your dreams linger a bit before you face the world. This flash of genius is likely to strike quickly and unexpectedly, so keep an eye out for it, but don’t consider it something that you can plan on or force into happening.


Sometimes your emotions overtake your rational thoughts, Capricorn, and you end up acting on impulse. Today you’ll find that your head and heart are aligned on significant issues, and that they’re working well together. Try not to swing the other way by becoming too rational. Your goal is to find the best working balance.


Review your day as you watch the sunset and observe the clouds turning from white to purple, Aquarius. Make sure that your head is in tune with your heart. Think about the day’s emotions and thought patterns and how they affected your actions. Determine if your actions were a result of either your rational mind or fluctuating moods.


Your mind is buzzing like a bee, Pisces. You’re apt to find that there’s very little you can do to slow it down. Make sure you add compassion to the chain that’s holding everything together. Also make sure that you don’t become a victim of your thoughts by losing control over how you act simply because the voice in your head has completely taken over.