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Jessila: Le 06/09/2021 à 11:33 | MAJ à 06/09/2021 à 11:33
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Publié : Le 06/09/2021 à 11:33 | MAJ à 06/09/2021 à 11:33
Par : Jessila


Annoying situations that arise today could have you feeling stressed, Aries. A sudden desire to escape might enter your mind. Take care not to work out your frustrations by overindulging in food or drink. This could only make the situation worse. Focus on the tasks at hand and get them done. Follow that with a long walk to clear your head and a movie to get your mind off it all.



Difficulty reaching others could plague you today, Taurus. emails might not go through or you could be stuck in endless telephone tag. You may want to stop trying, but don’t give up. Keep at it! Find something else to do while you’re waiting. You’ll make contact eventually. What you have to discuss with these friends could prove gratifying on more than one level.



Upsets among family members in the home could drive you to escape it all and throw yourself into your work, particularly creative projects of some kind. This might be the right course of action, Gemini. The situation isn’t permanent, and perhaps the others in your household simply need to work things out for themselves. In the meantime, your work will give you satisfaction and perhaps even advancement.



Don’t expect much luck with computers today, Cancer, particularly when it comes to writing or communicating with others. Malfunctions with technology could plague you throughout the day. If you want to get a message to a friend, the best way might be to visit in person! Creative efforts could be hindered the same way. Today is a great day to fall back on good old pen and paper.



Upsetting news about money may come your way today, Leo. This could involve your personal finances or economic factors in general that indirectly affect your finances. Don’t panic. All may not be as it seems! Check the facts before acting. The situation could be real, but it’s more likely the product of overblown journalism. Don’t believe everything you read.



A strong desire for new romance, whether with a new or current partner, could prove overwhelming today, Virgo. You might be tempted to do whatever it takes to attain it. Don’t plunge ahead – this isn’t the day for it! It might cause problems. Go to a romantic movie or read a racy novel. Seek what you want in a few days. You should have better results by then!



Someone you’re very fond of could be in a difficult mood today. Don’t let your sensitivity get the better of you, Libra. Don’t take offense at what this person may say in frustration. Intuit what they’re feeling and be your usual compassionate self. This could strengthen your relationship and make you feel good, too.



An unexpected meeting with a friend could leave you sensing some strong emotions that your friend is experiencing. These could be unsettling, Scorpio, so be prepared. Increased psychic awareness could cause you to pick up the thoughts and feelings of others more strongly than usual. This should increase your understanding of the person, but be careful not to reveal this understanding unless asked. It might prove too much for your friend right now.



A sudden desire for independence from the confines of a job, stagnant home life, or relationship that isn’t working could seem irresistible right now, Sagittarius. You might have some outrageous ideas for changing jobs, moving, or finding a new partner. These ideas might be more workable than they seem, but this isn’t the day to make decisions. Wait a few days and then consider your ideas again.


A warm, loving letter, phone call, or email could come today from someone dear who lives far away. This should be delightful, Capricorn, but the frustrations that result from the separation could cause you to think about taking a trip to visit the person. This might be a good idea, but don’t make any promises. Wait a few days and look into the possibility to see if it’s workable.


Someone could approach you today offering an opportunity to increase your income, which may seem too good to be true. It might be all they say, Aquarius, but look into the facts before making promises to go ahead with it. All may not be as it seems! Today isn’t a good day to commit to investments of any kind. Wait a few days, consider the idea again, and see if it’s workable.



Whatever your situation, Pisces, today you could encounter someone exciting who stirs a powerful romantic attraction within you. This can be delightful, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy the company, but be a little cautious before taking any action. Get to know this person better before you decide on any sort of involvement, casual or serious. All may not be as it seems.
