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Caroline: Le 07/07/2021 à 13:54 | MAJ à 07/07/2021 à 13:54
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Publié : Le 07/07/2021 à 13:54 | MAJ à 07/07/2021 à 13:54
Par : Caroline


Don’t concern yourself with getting more. Concentrate on what you already have, Aries. Work with whatever resonates within you. You instinctively know what does and doesn’t work. Don’t waste your time on meaningless issues. Focus on priorities. The more balanced and stable your emotions can be today, the more prosperity will come into your life.


This is an excellent day for you, Taurus. The farther you extend your emotions, the more prosperous you will be. Don’t be afraid of new things. More than likely, the new things entering your life now will make the most sense later. Trust that your heart knows the direction to take. Be generous with your time and energy.


It may seem like people aren’t taking things as seriously as you’d like them to, Gemini. If so, take it as a hint that perhaps you’re the one who needs to lighten up. Life is a game. In the grand scheme of things, we’re merely specks of dust floating in space. Our lives are but the blink of an eye in relation to the universe. Don’t take yourself so seriously.


Don’t turn down any opportunities today, Cancer, even if they seem like dead-ends at first. One could be your lucky break. Realize that success doesn’t always have a big neon sign pointing you in the right direction. Prosperity simply comes when you act freely and instinctively. This is one of those days in which an unmarked door could lead you to the path of happiness and health.


It’s time to put your plans in motion, Leo. There’s a very expansive energy urging you to reach out and make valuable connections with others. Remember that many hands make light work. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. There are many outstretched hands waiting to help you in whatever way you need.


Go for the gold, Virgo. Don’t settle for less. There’s an expansive energy on your side urging you on to prosperity in every aspect of your life. Take control of the situation and act on your emotions. Don’t refrain from doing something because you think it’s going to hurt someone’s feelings. Other people can take care of themselves. You’re responsible for you. Do what’s best for your well-being.


The more you vacillate, the more valuable time and energy you waste, Libra. Take a decisive stance and be confident about your choice. Give it everything you’ve got. If it doesn’t work out, try a different approach. Don’t be paralyzed by indecision. Things are moving too quickly. Take control of your life or someone else will.


Arguments could quickly turn into declarations of war today. Things could get blown out of proportion if they aren’t handled with care, Scorpio. The key lessons for you are about balance and communication. Things will move quickly, so make sure you have your seat belt fastened. Let your vivacious spirit lead the way to new adventures.


Your life is taking off in many different directions, Sagittarius. Everything seems to be expanding at once. It may be difficult to get a solid grip on any one thing. Try not to get overwhelmed. Take it one step at a time and remember to maintain a good sense of humor in every situation. Keep things light and energetic.


This is a great day for you, Capricorn. There’s a terrific feeling of expansion in the air. This is one of those times in which a small germ of an idea can grow into something big right before your eyes. Projects are moving quickly, and information is being rapidly dispersed. Catch the energy and set your dreams in motion. You can accomplish a great deal if you try.


You may feel like someone caught in a tornado, Aquarius. Things are whirling around you and everything seems out of control. Don’t get stressed out. There’s nothing you can do about it. Allow the storm to do what it will. You will only get hurt if you try to stop it. Accept things you have no control over. The storm will settle down soon.


It’s time to take charge, Pisces. There’s fuel for your fire, and the scope of your influence is virtually unlimited. Don’t hold back in any way. Confidently attack every project knowing that things will work out in your favor. Expand your mind and the rewards will be tremendous. Stay active. You will attract beneficial people and situations.