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Caroline: Le 09/04/2022 à 14:14 | MAJ à 09/04/2022 à 14:14
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Publié : Le 09/04/2022 à 14:14 | MAJ à 09/04/2022 à 14:14
Par : Caroline


Are you considering moving to a new residence, redecorating, or making some home improvements, Aries? If so, this is a good time to do it. These types of projects promise to go well, so don’t let doubt get in your way. Explore every possibility, consider all the pros and cons, and then if it looks like it’s going to work, go for it!


You might need to make a lot of phone calls and get through some lingering paperwork today, Taurus. A business partner or friend could be instrumental in helping clear up some loose ends that have been left hanging. Be sure you get any leftover work out of the way, because soon you’ll probably be even busier. If you get bored, remember that success lies ahead. Good luck!


If you’ve been worrying about having spent too much recently, Gemini, the astral configuration indicates you should be able to put those worries behind you. There are plenty of opportunities that could bring increased income, possibly a new job, even a new career. A lot of phone calls, emails, or other communications could bring news of these possibilities your way. Be sure to record the ones that seem most promising.


Communication takes a prominent place in your life today, Cancer. Your practical, direct, and down-to-Earth manner can be very impressive. You’re known for succeeding where others have failed. This isn’t lost on those above you on the hierarchical ladder. And they know that you aren’t easily fooled. Expect steady personal and professional progress and a great boost to your self-confidence!


You could be surrounded by secrets, Leo. A number of colleagues might be leaving to pursue new opportunities, and you could wonder if there’s a reason for it that escapes you. It might even have you reevaluating whether or not you should stay put! However, don’t panic because others leave. If there are things about your job that bother you, by all means consider your options.


A phone call or email from a friend could open up new career possibilities for you, Virgo, perhaps involving the communications industry. Tales of people who have hit it big in this field could be circulating widely, but you should carefully consider all the aspects of any new option before jumping in. You don’t want to have any regrets about your decision later. Think about it!


Communication of all sorts could be vital to you today, Libra. You might spend much of the day on the phone organizing an important event or perhaps clearing up a misunderstanding. This could make it a rather stressful day. It might be one of those days you just need to get through. Give yourself a bit of solitary downtime tonight to counterbalance the busy energy of the day.


Your outlook is apt to be optimistic, enthusiastic, and practical, Scorpio! You have both creative and workable ideas. They’re likely to lead to success, although it could take considerable time and effort to make it happen. Communication with colleagues is likely to be open, honest, and very dynamic as projects and enterprises take on a life of their own. Work hard, make it happen, and enjoy the journey!


Tending to paperwork could take up much of your time today, Sagittarius. A lot could be riding on your careful planning and projections, so you’re probably taking it very seriously. Nonetheless, don’t be intimidated. Trust your instincts. You know what you’re doing. Be very thorough, check everything over carefully, then put your plan into action and wait for it to bear fruit!


Communication between you and either a business or romantic partner should get a fresh start today, Capricorn. You’ve gotten to know each other better and feel more comfortable being honest and open with each other than before. All signs are that any partnerships begun, renewed, or confirmed today are likely to be successful and profitable. Bear this in mind in future months when you hit the rough spots!


You’ve been juggling career, romance, and creative interests for the past year, Aquarius. This is apt to continue. However, you could find yourself building a new career involving writing or speaking, perhaps in addition to your current career. You’re also apt to develop a vigorous interest in improving your health. You could make a powerful effort to change your diet and exercise habits. Good luck with it all!


Ingenuity blossoms when you make the effort to do a little writing, Pisces, perhaps technical manuals or other professionally oriented projects. This could represent a new stage in your professional life. You’re apt to do well and attract considerable attention from higher-ups. Don’t get too caught up in the need to revise, edit, then revise and edit again. It will only take up time, and it’s possible to do too much rewriting.