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Caroline: Le 12/07/2021 à 13:45 | MAJ à 12/07/2021 à 13:45
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Publié : Le 12/07/2021 à 13:45 | MAJ à 12/07/2021 à 13:45
Par : Caroline


Spiritual matters could be very much on your mind, Aries. You may want to delve into metaphysical studies and meditation, but work or family responsibilities could interfere with making those desires a reality. Don’t let this get you down. Instead, stay focused on the mundane chores and finish them. Then you can move on to the really fascinating matters.


A friend may seem in a dark and gloomy mood and unwilling to talk about it. Don’t force the issue. This probably has more to do with your friend’s circumstances than with you, Taurus. It’s best if you continue to pursue your cherished goals. Not only could you advance your interests but you might also inspire your friend and bring him or her out of the dumps. Go for the gold.


Professional interests might temporarily interfere with your social life, Gemini. This might cause a little friction between you and a close friend or romantic partner. Your friend is more apt to want to brood than discuss it with you. Don’t worry. This person will come out of the funk and be more understanding. Explain the situation the best you can and then continue with your work.


Responsibilities to work, family, or both could temporarily delay plans for a much-needed vacation. This could be a bit depressing, Cancer, but don’t let it get you down. Take care of your responsibilities as quickly as you can and then move ahead with your plans. All signs are that this trip is important to you and should go ahead as scheduled.


Your financial situation should continue to expand now, Leo. Believe in yourself. Don’t worry if you hear rumors that make the future seem rather grim. This is probably misinformation coming from unreliable sources. Continue to work toward your goals. Meanwhile, check out the rumors and find the real facts. You will probably discover that all is far better than the gossipers claim.


Today it may seem like home and family responsibilities are interfering with your social life, Virgo, including a get-together you really want to attend. Don’t worry. All signs are that something unexpected will occur at the last minute that makes it possible for you to proceed with your plans. Try to take care of your duties as efficiently as you can so you can enjoy the evening.


You may wake up feeling strong and energetic, but as the day wanes, stress could cause you to feel tired and worn out. Be careful, Libra. You could become short-tempered around others. This won’t happen if you avoid the temptation to go like a house afire first thing in the morning. Pace yourself and your relations with others should remain excellent throughout the entire day.


A temporary lack of funds might interfere with creative projects or your ability to have fun, Scorpio. You might encounter an apparent coolness from a close friend or romantic partner that you might not understand. Don’t make too much of it. This probably relates more to the person’s general mood than to anything you’ve said or done. Your friend should be back to normal in a few days.


If you spend the day at home, Sagittarius, the walls may seem to close in around you. Squabbles over nothing could erupt between you and other household members, and a lack of energy could plague you. This is a good day to get some exercise. Take a walk, ride a bike, or take a cardio class. This should work off your frustrations while creating more physical energy.


Today you might be waiting for a letter or call from a close friend or love partner, Capricorn. Its delay could cause a powerful feeling of gloom. Don’t let it spoil your day. The communication will come, and if not today, then within a few days. Meanwhile, this is a great time to try your hand at writing or music. Be creative while you wait. You might also call another friend.


Whatever skills or talents you’re using to accomplish your present goals may seem blocked, Aquarius. This could give rise to a sense of frustration if you let it, but don’t fall into this trap. If you can’t get motivated, focus on something else, perhaps an activity you’ve never tried before. This could get your mind going again while allowing your other skills to pick up steam.


You might feel creative, artistic, and full of ideas for new projects. However, Pisces, other responsibilities could keep you from starting on them. At the same time, your mind could be so focused on them that your other work takes longer than it should. Write down your ideas before they escape, then concentrate on the tasks at hand. Finish those and then you can pursue what you really want.