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Caroline: Le 12/07/2022 à 16:55 | MAJ à 12/07/2022 à 16:55
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Publié : Le 12/07/2022 à 16:55 | MAJ à 12/07/2022 à 16:55
Par : Caroline


Today you might decide to participate in activities involving children, Aries. Field trips either for pleasure or educational purposes may take place, if possible, and you could enjoy it as much as the kids. Letters and phone calls could bring good news from far away, which you’ll almost certainly want to pass on to others. Tonight, curl up with the latest mystery. Intrigue should be especially appealing now.


Your financial situation looks particularly good right now. An increase in income could be coming your way, Taurus. The downside could be that contracts might be involved, and you’ll have to spend time perusing boring legal documents that need to be executed. A lot of people could reach out to you tonight, probably to exchange ideas and information. Don’t talk or text for too long. You’ll want to get some sleep!


Recent developments have brought new interests into your life, Gemini. As a result, you might be seriously considering enrolling in a formal course of study in the future involving these subjects. If you really want to do this, it’s definitely the right time to start planning. Others in your community might want to do the same, so a discussion on the subject might help. Books and magazines could also be useful.


Your mind is especially sharp, Cancer. You’re logical and objective by nature. However, today you’re likely to find that your thinking is more influenced by feeling than usual. This is a positive development. It demonstrates that your intuition is operating at a high level, so don’t fight it. This is definitely the day to follow your heart rather than your head.


A group you’re involved with may want to discuss a future trip of some kind, Leo, perhaps to a convention. The drive to expand your horizons is very strong today. Therefore, trips like this or other opportunities to learn and grow can be especially appealing. You might come up with a few ideas of your own that you prefer to pursue alone. Give it some thought!


Your intuition is operating at a very high level today, Virgo. You tend to follow your heart by nature, so you don’t always go out of your way to be logical or objective. However, more than one event could occur during the day in which it’s imperative that you go with your intuition even though it defies all logic. Have a little faith and go with your gut!


Today should be a gratifying day, Libra, full of great news, pleasant surprises, and opening doors of opportunity on just about every level. Career breaks and chances to earn more money could come your way. New friends may be introduced to you, and future opportunities for education and travel also may arise. Whatever actually manifests out of all this is up to you. You might find decisions difficult.


Paperwork involving financial transactions may need to be handled today, Scorpio, but it won’t be as tedious as you think. Whatever information is required is easily obtained. Most of what is presented to you should be clear and understandable, and the people involved helpful. It’s important that you do get this done. If you wait, it might not go as smoothly. In the evening, schedule a romantic encounter, if possible. Your level of passion is rather high!


A friend could put you in touch with a lot of interesting people, some in fields such as law, education, or the ministry. Expect at some point to be treated to a monologue on social and ecological responsibilities, Sagittarius! You’ll have a lot of definite ideas on those subjects, but you’ll be more likely to listen than talk for most of the day. Enjoy your day.


You may spend much of your day trying to sort out financial matters for yourself, your job, or perhaps for a friend or relative, Capricorn. A lot of phone calls, and a lot of research, perhaps on the Internet, could be necessary in order to accomplish this. Whatever you decide to do, you’ll attack it with determination and feel a great deal of satisfaction when you’re done. Go to it!


Today you might spend a lot of time with the special person in your life if that’s possible, Aquarius. Romance and affection are definitely a powerful factor in the course of your day, but much of what might bring you closer together is conversation. You’re likely to exchange information that interests you both about specific subjects and yourselves and future plans. A short journey might also take place. Enjoy your day!


The possibility of some future houseguests might have you checking your home to see what needs to be done to make it presentable. It may need a few minor repairs, Pisces, and you could do some online shopping to dress the place up a little. Books might give you some workable ideas. Your mind might be working more quickly than your body, however. Take care not to push yourself too hard.