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Caroline: Le 13/05/2022 à 15:08 | MAJ à 13/05/2022 à 15:08
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Publié : Le 13/05/2022 à 15:08 | MAJ à 13/05/2022 à 15:08
Par : Caroline


Today is the day to rethink all those social values that you take at face value, Aries. Like the rest of us, you learned them at a young age and unthinkingly accepted them. Established concepts of propriety are especially deserving of consideration. After hearing for years about all those things that “just aren’t done,” isn’t it refreshing to think that maybe they should be done after all?


Today is an ideal day to shop for a new wardrobe, Taurus. You may find your usual style either too conventional or uncomfortably trendy. Often when you’re out shopping, you’ll reject an item you really like for fear that it’s too suggestive or old fashioned. Perhaps you should listen to your own judgment for a change instead of being so concerned with what other people might think.


The topic of the day is knowledge and learning, Gemini. Did you study the field you dreamed of? Do you feel ashamed of not having attended such-and-such a school or program? If those sorts of issues are uppermost on your mind, remember that your creativity has little to do with the degrees you hold and everything to do with how you use your skills and knowledge to better the world


An important aspect has passed, and you are in the process of reaping the benefit from it, Cancer. It was only a matter of becoming aware of and settling certain matters related to your need for social recognition. Don’t be so hungry for approval, Cancer. Most people contain a stern inner authority figure and can survive comfortably and self-sufficiently. In fact, it’s your greatest strength.


You may feel hemmed in by the role models that society currently offers, Leo. As you struggle to find your own definition of the truly modern human being, the people around you sometimes criticize your liberated attitude. Just because their ideas aren’t in sync with yours in no way invalidates them. If your ideas are a tad too radical, theirs are too conventional. There’s room for both points of view.


Today’s aspects are suggesting that you take a good hard look at the state of your ego, Virgo. Are you too proud or too humble? Buddhists say that the path to spiritual fulfillment lies in knowing how to build a healthy ego while at the same time developing a part of oneself completely foreign to the ego. Are you working hard at this?


A small crisis is still a crisis, isn’t it, Libra? Expect one in your personal life today. Since you aren’t one to let issues go unresolved, you won’t be able to put off dealing with your problems any longer. Questions abound. Are work and responsibilities shared equally with your partner? Are you both making an equal effort to maintain relationship harmony? Asking the questions is the first step to answering them.


Something has to change, Scorpio. You knew it as soon as you woke up this morning. Your mirror provides the impetus for some important resolutions. Is it time to begin a diet, make a commitment to exercise more, or strengthen your resolve to quit smoking? Anything you do to improve your health will make you feel better about yourself. Buy some new clothes or get a haircut! Other people will notice, too!


The only good thing about being on an emotional roller coaster is that you never feel the same way for long, Sagittarius. One moment you’re up, the next you’re down. You can’t figure out what it is you want today. Rather than bring your loved ones along on this wild ride, why not take some time away from your usual environment? You’ll be a lot better off alone. Who knows? Something important may come out of these moments of solitude!


You might want to check your alarm clock to be sure it really woke you up this morning, Capricorn. Your tendency will be to stay in the cocoon of your own little dream world, deep in your own thoughts. Obsessive thoughts, in particular, will try and drown out some more pressing issues from the past that really need to be dealt with once and for all. “Ring, ring!” It’s time to wake up!


There is something in the air today pushing you toward change or renewal, Aquarius. Is it time to change your wardrobe or redecorate your home? If so, this is the day. If you have monetary restrictions, you’ll find it just as fulfilling (and a whole lot cheaper) to simply rid your home of all the things that just aren’t “you” anymore. Surround yourself with the things you love.


The good news is it can only get better. For today, however, there may be some trying times in store, Pisces. If you’re a parent, the children will beg for something every five minutes. At work, you’ll feel pressure from all sides. Not even your love life is immune from the doubt that seems to hover over you. No compromise is possible today. Just sit tight and know that calmer days are coming.