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Caroline: Le 14/04/2022 à 16:52 | MAJ à 14/04/2022 à 16:52
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Publié : Le 14/04/2022 à 16:52 | MAJ à 14/04/2022 à 16:52
Par : Caroline


You could be startled to find that your artistic talents, although dormant for a while, are called into service today. A particular undertaking of those around you could benefit from your gift in this area. Don’t panic, Aries, you won’t be expected to do this alone. Others will pitch in and help. One thing to be careful of today is not let your emotions run away with you. It could spoil everything.


This could be a tough day for you emotionally. It might surprise you to find that some very old, deep-seated feelings get churned up in the course of investigating a subject of keen interest to you. It might be difficult to process these feelings. Don’t try to intellectualize them too much, Taurus. At the same time, be wary of situations that could trigger an emotional cyclone. Some words can be brutally painful. Try to avoid this at all costs.


Things could be up and down for you today, Gemini. You might experience some confusion as a result of communication snafus or computer glitches that affect financial issues you’re trying to solve. Persevere and you’ll succeed. Don’t be surprised if you’re recruited to join a project that is totally new to you. You may be apprehensive at first, but you’ll do just fine. Go ahead and say yes.


You might be feeling a little tense because you and your partner are grappling with some thorny financial issues right now, Cancer. You could be frustrated because you need to postpone some purchases or investments until the cash starts flowing more freely again. The good news is that this is a fine time to work out such a conflict to a satisfactory resolution. Both of you will need to be open-minded and look at all sides as you make your decisions.


This will be an exciting day for you intellectually, Leo. A number of intriguing concepts will catch your fancy, and you’ll be hungry to learn more about them right away. Your research could take you to a library or onto the Internet. The topics might relate to social or political issues. As irresistible as these new ideas are, don’t forget to tend to the business of everyday life.


You’ll want to respond to your creative juices, which will be flowing freely today, Virgo. Don’t suppress the urge to sing, compose, paint, or write. You’ll be in the full flower of creativity, so make the most of it. You’ll be able to take care of your daily obligations and still make room for your creative expression. Listen to the messages you receive in your heart and let them burst forth.


Tugs on the home front could be pulling you away from attending an event with friends that you’ve been looking forward to for some time. Try to be reasonable and sort out the needs of those at home with kindness in your heart. You might be able to address those issues and still have time to be with your friends later. Just remember to keep your priorities straight, Libra.


Cool heads will be needed today, Scorpio, as tempers may flare at work because of frustration with ongoing problems. You might need to take the lead in keeping everyone calm by facilitating clear and open communication. It will be important to keep emotions in check or words will fly that people may regret. This is a temporary situation. Everyone should be back on an even keel as soon as issues get properly aired.


If you find yourself second-guessing plans you made earlier, Sagittarius, perhaps for a plane trip, try to look objectively at your concerns. You don’t have to cancel everything if you have money worries. Your fears will probably turn out to be unfounded. This could be a good time to look into learning more about modern technology, either by enrolling in a class or attending a lecture. Evaluate vacation plans or a class with an analytical eye.


You might find yourself wrestling some ongoing, unresolved issues that could interfere with your ability to do your job. Be mindful that you’re a bit brittle today, particularly if you’re working on financial matters, Capricorn. The last thing you want is a major battle with those around you, so do your best to keep a cool head. Don’t let uncontrolled emotions rule the day.


There is a possibility that you’ll fall into a bit of a regression today as old feelings of anxiety or inadequacy surface. Although you’ve reached a good place in terms of self-confidence, some old childhood fears could resurface. The old emotions that bubble up could impede your interactions with your co-workers or friends today, so be mindful of what lies under the surface for you, Aquarius.


OK, up and at ’em, Pisces! You might feel like you’re walking through sand today, but you really need to shake your booty and get the blood flowing. If you don’t get up and do something, you’ll be a slug all day. You need to clear your head and cast off that bloated feeling. Most importantly, you want to get a good start to the day so you can accomplish everything that awaits you.