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Alex: Le 14/07/2022 à 13:04 | MAJ à 10/07/2024 à 19:09
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Publié : Le 14/07/2022 à 13:04 | MAJ à 10/07/2024 à 19:09
Par : Alex


A strong sense of inspiration that seems to come from the higher planes could boost your natural artistic abilities, Aries. No matter how rushed you may be with other tasks, it’s important to take time to note your ideas. They’re definitely worth pursuing and you’ll want to refer to them later. If you’re thinking about a friend, give that person a call. He or she might have news for you.


Although you might feel a bit inclined toward solitude today, Taurus, don’t indulge it. This is a great day to get out with friends and meet new people, if possible, particularly women. You can forge closer bonds at this time, and you might also make valuable business contacts that prove profitable in the future. Affectionate communication with a romantic partner can make your day. Take the evening to enjoy a tête-à-tête with someone close.


An appealing new face could appear on the scene today, Gemini. This might lead to a new friendship, although this person could be charming enough to bring out your insecurities. Put these aside – you’re looking great. Since your efficiency is at an all-time high, plan on taking advantage of that by dealing with some errands you’ve been postponing for quite some time.


A male friend could put you in touch with people from foreign countries or people who have traveled a lot. They might have valuable information that you could use later. This information could also help you finish old projects that have been waiting to be done. Your eye for detail is especially acute, Cancer. Make notes of interesting facts even if they don’t apply right now. You’ll make good use of them later.


You’re probably feeling especially sexy, Leo, and you might want to take a lover out for a romantic dinner, if possible. You would especially enjoy going all out, experimenting with a new outfit, scent, or hairstyle. On a more mundane note, investments of either time or money should pay off today, as could hard work performed in the past. Have a great day!


Romance and marriage are very much on your mind today, Virgo. A special conversation with a possible love partner could have you hankering for happily ever after. Books on attracting and maintaining relationships might be especially appealing as well as useful. Take care not to put too much stock in detailed analyses, however. Remember that such books are based on generalities. You’re unique.


You’re feeling especially healthy, energetic, and attractive today, Libra, and some friends may suddenly see you in a new light. This could bring a valuable boost in self-confidence. New careers that pay more and offer more of a challenge are especially appealing to you now. Consider them seriously. Write down your ideas and research them to see if they’re workable. This may be the start of a whole new life.


Your natural warmth and loving nature should be more apparent than usual today, Scorpio. You’re likely to attract new people, both men and women, into your aura. Perhaps old friends you haven’t seen for a while suddenly reappear on the scene. This is an excellent time to plan a social event or invite a friend to lunch, if possible. You might also want to fix yourself up and plan a romantic evening!


Friction with family members, particularly women, could prove irritating, especially since you’re torn between their quirks and the love you have for them. This isn’t the time to hold grudges, Sagittarius. Let them go. You might feel the urge to do some home repairs, redecorate, or otherwise improve your home, or perhaps cook a great meal. Channel your energy into these activities instead of quarreling. You’ll be glad you did.


Today should bring pleasant and profitable communications with women, possibly some new friends. A lot of people will want talk to you, although perhaps more than you can realistically handle. Be careful not to commit to too many things. You could end up spreading yourself too thin. Travel to faraway lands may seem tempting at this time, Capricorn, but that might not be possible for some time. Relax and enjoy the company for now.


New opportunities may give you a chance to increase your financial standing and expand yourself professionally. Innovations that you’ve produced in the past have attracted the attention of those in positions of authority, Aquarius, and the fruits of your labor may manifest now. Don’t expect to be able to relax and enjoy them, however, as a lot of effort still lies ahead. Summon all your inner resources and charge ahead.


Relations with those you care about continue to be warm and supportive. Friends may want to pitch in and help you with a project, Pisces, or you could lend a hand to someone else. Strong bonds with others could be forged at this time, which might lead to firm and lasting friendships in the future. This is also a good day to turn your attention to repairing, redecorating, or refurnishing your home.

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