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Caroline: Le 16/04/2022 à 11:31 | MAJ à 16/04/2022 à 11:31
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Publié : Le 16/04/2022 à 11:31 | MAJ à 16/04/2022 à 11:31
Par : Caroline


You’re a conscientious, hard worker, Aries, but today your thoughts are more on home than work. You feel especially close to your family and friends. They mean the most to you. Jobs and even careers come and go, but friends and family are forever. Enjoy being with them today. Gather everyone together and order too much Chinese take-out. It’s just fine if you restart your diet tomorrow.


Today is likely to be another busy one for you, Taurus. You might have a volunteer activity in the morning and then get roped into running errands in the afternoon. It will be busy bordering on hectic, but the hustle and bustle of being out and about is energizing for you. Invite some friends to join you for dinner in the evening to cap off this high-energy day.


You have a strong spirit of cooperation today, Gemini. It inspires you to pitch in and help others without being asked. Your romantic partner could be surprised to see you show up and help with a chore. Never mind that you don’t know what you’re doing – you’ll figure it out. Others will be impressed to see you going above and beyond what you’ve been asked to do. Your efforts on all fronts won’t go unnoticed.


Keep your eyes and ears open to all new possibilities, Cancer. Even if it isn’t your habit to read the “Help Wanted” section of the newspaper, do so today. You might be surprised at what you find there. Your skills apply to all sorts of jobs. You don’t need to limit your search to one profession. You have a good mind that’s working in overdrive now. Use it to figure out the next steps for your advancement.


Today your strong sense of nostalgia likely has you leaning toward all things old. If you do some furniture shopping, you’ll be drawn to antique shops rather than contemporary stores. There is something about the patina that only comes with age. This applies to people as well as objects, which may explain why you tend to prefer to be with people who are older than you.


This is bound to be a wonderful day, Virgo, as everybody seems to be in a warm and congenial mood. You and your romantic partner, in particular, are feeling especially close and connected today. If marriage is the process of falling in and out of love, then you’re both definitely in the “in” phase. Enjoy it while it lasts! Spend a quiet day together and cap it off with dinner at an elegant bistro.


This is bound to be a wonderful day, Virgo, as everybody seems to be in a warm and congenial mood. You and your romantic partner, in particular, are feeling especially close and connected today. If marriage is the process of falling in and out of love, then you’re both definitely in the “in” phase. Enjoy it while it lasts! Spend a quiet day together and cap it off with dinner at an elegant bistro.


You’re eager and optimistic today, Scorpio, which works well with your strong, capable nature. You’re likely to find that things begin to click into place at work. Something that has been troubling you for some time suddenly becomes clear. What was once a stumbling block is now a mere bump in the road and easily overcome. All indications are that you’ll be successful at whatever you do now, so dare to dream big.


Today should be devoted to paperwork and getting your financial affairs and budgets in order, Sagittarius. Once this is done, you can relax in the evening with friends and loved ones. You’re especially intuitive right now, so you’ll be able to pick up on all the unspoken thoughts and feelings of those around you.


All financial undertakings have good aspects today, Capricorn. It could be that you have been thinking of starting a new business venture. If so, you’re likely to meet the ideal business partner. Keep your eyes and ears tuned as you go about your daily routine. You never know when you might be introduced to that one special person you need in your life. Socialize in the evening with good friends.


This is bound to be a wonderful day, Aquarius. You’re looking and feeling great and it shows! This is a day of kindness and cooperation. You could find that your family pitches in to help at home without being asked. Your romantic partner might volunteer to clean out the garage and your children start to clean their rooms. This definitely isn’t your typical day! Enjoy the harmony that reigns today.


This is a good day for you to analyze information, Pisces. You have an especially acute business sense, which you should use to your advantage. Whether you’re thinking of translating a creative project into a business proposal or working on that business plan, all indications say that your efforts will yield rich rewards. Make the most of whatever this day has to offer.