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Jessila: Le 15/08/2021 à 13:09 | MAJ à 15/08/2021 à 13:09
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Publié : Le 15/08/2021 à 13:09 | MAJ à 15/08/2021 à 13:09
Par : Jessila


You’d do well to discipline your actions today, Aries, and keep a level head. Unexpected events may rise to challenge established authority. Don’t jump to any sweeping conclusions. Make sure you gather the facts before you act. Don’t simply recoil and shrink into a cave. If you don’t take action, you’ll be acted upon.


Keeping things balanced today will prove challenging, Taurus. Take this seriously because it’s probably needed more than ever. You might be the arbiter in situations where a battle exists between old and new. Take advantage of opportunities. Make sure you’re in on the deal. Use your communicative powers to help bridge the gap.


Passions may run high, Gemini, and you could be right in the thick of things. Today may be a bit more intense than usual. Conflicting energies will butt up against each other in your head, and you might need to make an important decision now. You’ve done all the prep work you need to do. It’s time to act.


Indecision may leave you standing at the station after all the trains have left, Cancer. Hop on one that’s going in your direction. Add your name to the roster of active participants. Today isn’t a day to wait for opportunity to come to you. If you see something you believe in, move toward it. Act spontaneously and don’t worry about the consequences.


Something might be shaking the very ground you stand on, Leo. Just when you thought everything was calm and stable, suddenly the ground begins to rumble. Secure your footing, hold on, and stay flexible. A few steps in a different direction may position you in a safe area where you can ride out the storm with no problem. Becoming too fixed and rigid would be a bad idea.


Follow your heart instead of your wallet, Virgo. Start with yourself and choose where to spend your resources. Take an active role and be on the lookout for opportunities to grab hold of and profit from. You may find a conflict going on in your world. Stand up for what you believe in and don’t be afraid to rock the boat.


Your adaptable nature will be put to the test today, Libra. Try to go with the flow. Remember that you have a rudder with which to steer. You can float down the river freely, but don’t think that this means you have to give up all control. You have the power of choice, so use it. Take an active role in events or you might as well stay in bed.


Today is a significant day, astrologically speaking, Scorpio. It may be an affirmation of your pioneering spirit. Be the champion of the new and bizarre. There’s a window of opportunity opening to reveal a golden chance. Forces that seem to conflict may actually work well together. Remember to balance old traditions with new information. The integration of these is key.


There may be some tension in the air for you, Sagittarius. Large forces are moving through your life that are suddenly coming into conflict. People who have been on a certain path for a long time now have to face the music. How well have you physically and mentally prepared? The strength of your framework is now being tested against the prevailing winds.


Your ability to juggle many tasks is going to come in handy, Capricorn. Information may fly and you could be asked to step up and contribute your wealth of knowledge. You may come into opposition with someone with a superior attitude. Remember that the old ways aren’t always best. They may have worked in the past, but things have changed.


You feel like a scared child who wants to hide under the bed today, Aquarius. Keep in mind that there are just as many monsters under the bed as there are out in the world. At least you can see the ones outside and perhaps even enlist the help of others to combat them. Don’t shut yourself in during this time of great upheaval. Your opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.


Today may feel like everything’s coming to a head for you, Pisces. Even the slightest action might face resistance. The more stubborn your attitude, the harder it will be to progress. Your job is to infuse playfulness into every situation. Remind people that we’re all on this stage together. We need to make the most of it, not shove each other out of the spotlight.
