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: Le 15/07/2023 à 11:35 | MAJ à 18/07/2024 à 17:28
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Publié : Le 15/07/2023 à 11:35 | MAJ à 18/07/2024 à 17:28
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Although you’re normally a sociable person who feels most comfortable in the company of others, Aries, today you may prefer to be alone. You could feel a little under the weather, or you could be stressed from job-related worries. You probably need rest, but you might also benefit from taking a walk to work off some tension, get the endorphins going, and help you feel like yourself again.



You tend to enjoy solitude, Taurus, but today you might feel more reclusive than usual. Friends could invite you out, but you aren’t likely to accept the offer. You might even feel a little irritated. This is a great day to work out or throw yourself into your own projects. Your concentration is good and the physical activity will get relieve the stress.


There might be tension in the air for no discernible reason today. Family members might seem preoccupied with problems they can’t define. Your natural inclination could be to try to cheer them up, Gemini, but it probably won’t work. Don’t be annoyed if they don’t respond. It isn’t them. Blame the planets. This is a great day to jog, take a cardio class, or otherwise work off stress.



Some mysterious telephone calls might come your way – wrong numbers or hang-ups. Other people might seem less communicative than usual, Cancer, and you may be preoccupied. You might feel a bit more nervous than usual, but that should go away if you take a walk or get some other exercise. If you’ve been thinking about doing some writing, this is the day to start.


Confusion over money matters might arise, Leo. You may need to check your records to shed light on past transactions. Don’t worry. All should be well once you ascertain the facts. You might have some intense dreams tonight. Write them down. You will want to remember them later, because they might reveal a lot about your current situation. They may also inspire future projects.



Someone close to you might seem more preoccupied than usual, Virgo, and perhaps a bit difficult to deal with. Don’t take this personally. It has little, if anything, to do with you. This person has troubles of their own that they don’t want to share. You might be feeling a bit tense and jumpy, but again, this is nothing to worry about. Take a walk or work out at the gym.



You might feel a bit tense, Libra, and you probably won’t understand why. The reason? The planets. You might jump at unexpected noises or take offense where none is intended. Relations with others might be a little strained, necessitating some communication about how you’re feeling. Try to work off the tension by taking a brisk walk or perhaps working out at the gym.



You probably aren’t going to feel like socializing even though friends want you to go out with them. Your patience could be worn a bit thin, Scorpio, and you may get annoyed at incidents that normally wouldn’t bother you. This isn’t a good day for group activities or parties. It might be best to get a good workout and then rest. You will feel much better afterward.



Uptight is the mood for today. You might be the center of attention at some point. While you normally wouldn’t mind, Sagittarius, today it might make you nervous. When everyone looks at you and expects you to say something, say it. Keep it short and then withdraw. You aren’t in the mood. Walk to the library and throw yourself into reading about subjects that interest you. This should relieve the stress.



Today you may want to be left alone with your thoughts. Relaxing with a good book could be at the top of your agenda, Capricorn, and you aren’t likely to want to be interrupted. Noise and requests that don’t usually bother you might irritate you, so it’s best to spend some time alone and make the effort to be your usual considerate self when with others. Take a brisk walk to relieve the tension.



Money worries might have you more on edge than usual, Aquarius. While you may be doing well, you could still be insecure enough to think that your funds might not stretch far enough. Consider the situation objectively. You will probably be relieved by what you find. Others’ demands on your time might irritate you more than usual. The best way to relieve the tension is to work out or take a walk.



More than usual, you’re probably craving solitude today, Pisces. Although you may have committed to attending a party or get-together, now the idea may seem irritating. You may rather work on some tasks or projects, or you might want to go for a workout and release some of the tension you feel. The latter idea is good. If you exercise early, you might feel like going out later.

