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Caroline: Le 15/06/2021 à 11:34 | MAJ à 15/06/2021 à 11:34
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Publié : Le 15/06/2021 à 11:34 | MAJ à 15/06/2021 à 11:34
Par : Caroline


If you’re prepared and well organized, Aries, today should go smoothly and pleasantly. Feel free to indulge in fanciful daydreams and things of a whimsical nature. You’ve earned the right to break from the normal routine. If you’ve been slacking off your tasks, however, you will now need to spend some time catching up and planning ahead.


Don’t feel badly about things you have no control over, Taurus. Tonight it would be good for you to go out and have a nice time. Put aside your responsibilities and concentrate on fun. It might be difficult to jump-start others to action, but don’t let that concern you. If people don’t want to budge, don’t force them. They will move when they’re ready.


You may find it hard to sit still today, Gemini. People may pull your chain right and left in order to get a rise out of you. Whatever seems grounded and solid may end up being flimsy and detached. Beware of where you step. The ground is apt to give way with little warning. Your appetite may be ravenous, but it’s likely there won’t be nearly enough nourishment to satisfy you.


Be careful who you trust today, Cancer. Instead of venturing out, you might prefer to stick close to home and enjoy the comforts you’ve worked so hard to attain. Don’t entrust just anyone with your secrets. Information is likely to be misinterpreted and what you say might not be taken as seriously as you’d like it to be.


What looks like solid ground may be quicksand, Leo. Be careful where you step. There’s an element of misunderstanding to the day that might make it difficult to get through to people. The good news is that your emotions are quite solid. Your inner stability should help you keep a healthy frame of mind, regardless of the events that transpire.


You may have your head in the clouds today, Virgo. At the same time, there’s a need for you to keep your feet on the ground. This contradiction of energies might make it difficult to find peace, but you should find comfort knowing that this will soon end. Deal with conflicting issues the best you can. They will help you find the balance and perspective you need.


Your emotions may be playing tricks on you, Libra. You may find it hard to deal with reality. Take the day to relax and unwind. Don’t worry about the details. Concentrate more on your general state of mind. Things will go smoothly when you focus on radiating positive energy to others. Don’t worry so much about the consequences. Focus more on the process.


You might find it hard to make progress with your projects today, Scorpio, especially if you need others’ help. There’s a stubborn quality to the day that’s causing things to get jammed up. When neither party budges, the result is chaos. You might have to give a little in order to get a little. Be the first one to release your grip and things will run more smoothly.


This should be a pretty good day, Sagittarius. You will find a greater than usual sensitivity to your needs. One thing to be aware of is fast talkers who might make elaborate promises that they have no intention of keeping. Slow and steady wins the race, and you’re the master of this technique. Your patience and sensitivity are invaluable on a day like this.


Capricorn, you may have recently built fanciful scenarios in your head regarding how you think things should be, in either a romantic, business, or family situation. It’s likely these images will conflict with reality as you discover that you need to take a much more analytical approach to what you have going.


The place you arrive at today may not be quite what you expected, Aquarius. Once you get there, you will find that there is sudden opposition in your camp. Things may not always be exactly what they seem, so check your facts before you make any major decisions. It’s better to get the information right from the source rather than depend on what you hear through the grapevine.


Your actions might be a bit strained today, Pisces. People aren’t going to cooperate in the way you might like them to. It could be one of those days in which it’s difficult to get things done simply because other people seem to get in the way. Try not to get angry. Perhaps you need to take a break and relax. The harder you push, the more resistance you will encounter.