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Caroline: Le 16/08/2022 à 16:02 | MAJ à 16/08/2022 à 16:02
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Publié : Le 16/08/2022 à 16:02 | MAJ à 16/08/2022 à 16:02
Par : Caroline


Today could bring a keen sense of empathy and understanding, Aries. Verbal communication is likely to be enhanced. Take advantage of this by talking through any problems or issues with important people in your life. Go to visit or call to work things out. Most importantly, express your affection for those closest to you by telling them straight out what they mean to you.


Don’t be surprised if your mind goes a thousand miles a second today, Taurus. Slowing down will be difficult, and you’ll have to find a way to express what’s in your head. The planetary aspects lend strength to communication. Perhaps talking out your ideas or writing to someone whose insight you value will help. Even doodling can give you a place to put your thoughts.


Welcome to another great day, Gemini! The energy from the planetary aspects is positive and encouraging, especially when it comes to communicating and interacting with others. Take advantage of this. Get together with friends and family for a pleasant visit, if possible. Consider inviting people over for games or dinner or do it virtually if need be. A potluck can be fun. You work hard all the time, so play gently today.


You might be really interested in getting out and doing something with the special people in your life, Cancer. You can thank the day’s planetary aspects, which are conspiring to make this a perfect time to spend time together. Is there a place you’re curious about and want to visit? Go today, if possible. Pack up the family and go for a fun day to check it out.


Leo, consider channeling your philosophical inspirations into creative writing, Leo. It’s probably something you’ll enjoy. Even if you haven’t expressed yourself in this way before, there’s no better day than today to give it a whirl. Try your hand at poetry or fiction. If that seems too daunting, start a journal. This will give you a place to collect your thoughts and insights.


You might need to be alone today, Virgo. You’re probably surrounded by people most of the time. It can be unhealthy if you can’t occasionally be alone with your thoughts and feelings. It’s critical to take care of your emotional well-being, since you have a deeply sensitive nature. With all the continuous activity around you, make time to connect with this important part of you.


Today you may want to go your own way regardless of what anyone else wants, Libra. Your independence is important to you, but compromise might be needed in order to avoid conflict. Consider splitting your time between those close to you and yourself. Explain to your loved ones why you need alone time. If it’s done with grace and humor, they’ll undoubtedly support you.


Today may find you in the mood for an adventure or a visit if possible, Scorpio. When was the last time you took a day for something like this? It’s probably been too long. Not only will you enjoy it, but others will be thrilled to spend time with you, too. Whether you invite a friend along or go alone, seize the opportunity to visit people or see someplace new.


Serious thinking and communication are enhanced today, Sagittarius. They’re already strong qualities in you, and with this added boost, you’ll need an outlet for expression. A journal is an excellent vehicle. Talking is another. If you have issues or worries, consider getting together with all involved and airing your thoughts. It’s a perfect day to resolve problems.


You might feel cornered into doing something you don’t want to do today, Capricorn. Perhaps you made a promise to handle a project. Maybe someone decides it’s the day to call in an I.O.U. Either way, say so if you aren’t comfortable following through. Today’s energy enhances your ability to express yourself and be understood. Rescheduling may be far better than potential resentment.


You might find that someone close to you needs a hand today, Aquarius. They could be too proud to ask for help. Don’t let that stop you. If you see a situation in which you can help, do it. Don’t wait for an invitation or request. Simply assess the situation and do what you can. Your efforts will be appreciated, and you’ll feel good about making a difference.


When was the last time you used a pen and paper, Pisces? The keyboard has all but replaced these wonderful tools. In the same way that walking provides more than fresh air, the kinesthetic value of writing’s rhythmic motion is far more soothing and healing than people realize. Moving your hand across the page can feel good. It unlocks places within that typing can’t access. Try it.


