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Alex: Le 18/04/2022 à 15:41 | MAJ à 18/04/2022 à 15:41
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Publié : Le 18/04/2022 à 15:41 | MAJ à 18/04/2022 à 15:41
Par : Alex


Your positive strength is especially noticeable today. You may find that you’re radiating gloriously to the people around you, Aries. This is due to your polite, gentle, and peaceful nature. You’re the jewel that isn’t always noticed or appreciated as much as it should be. More than likely, you leave it up to others to make the first move. Consider being the instigator today. The world is in your hands.


Taurus, instead of digging deep into the barrel looking only for the misshapen, bruised, and rotten apples, concentrate on bringing up the shiny, bright red ones. This way you’ll bring laughter and smiles to the company around you rather than miserable frowns. Whatever you bring to the surface will be distributed far and wide, so make sure you reach for the good times instead of the sour ones.


Today there are many areas in which you can shine, Gemini. You need only be yourself to win over the hearts of others. There is a graciousness to your manner that draws people close to you, whether or not you’ve ever noticed it before. Realize this, and know that it isn’t a fluke. You need not take much action. It will come to you.


If you’re feeling needy today, you might consider seeking counsel from others, Cancer. Close partners might make light of the situation, so if you’re looking for deep metaphysical advice, you might want to look elsewhere. Most of all, pamper yourself with some relaxing downtime. This day is well suited for playing board games, watching a movie, or reading the latest edition of your favorite magazine.


Get out in the fresh air today in whatever way suits your fancy, Leo. It’s important to exercise your body with some brisk physical activity, or at least refresh your spirit with a ride in a convertible. This is a terrific time for you. You feel alive and joyous about your life. Join with others to recognize all that you have, and give thanks for your meal tonight.


Making decisions today is apt to be nearly impossible for you, Virgo. That’s why you should leave them up to someone else. Walk with your partner so you don’t have to really think about where you’re going. Your job is to focus on the emotional side of things and make it safe for everyone to dream. Your loving, caring nature is a valuable commodity these days. Protect and cherish this gift.


This is going to be one of those days when you get annoyed if someone takes too long to make up his or her mind about something, Libra. You aren’t going to have the patience to abide anyone who continues to go over every single detail of an issue. You’re more likely to want to simply make a decision, for better or worse.


This is going to be one of those days when you get annoyed if someone takes too long to make up his or her mind about something, Libra. You aren’t going to have the patience to abide anyone who continues to go over every single detail of an issue. You’re more likely to want to simply make a decision, for better or worse.


Whatever you’re working on at this time can be expanded tremendously with the help of a partner, especially a creative project or written work, Sagittarius. Watch as one seed of an idea blossoms into a whole field of creativity. There is more than meets the eye as you find yourself soaring higher and higher. Remember that you’re only restricted by your own imagination, so dream big.


Take advantage of the lighthearted, flighty feeling of the day instead of getting annoyed by it, Capricorn. You can’t hide in your bedroom forever. Well, you could, but you’d end up wasting away and no one would even notice. This is a good day to get out and have fun with friends. Make wishes for people instead of cursing them. Make connections. Remember to laugh as often as possible.


The more you talk to people, the more successful you’ll be, Aquarius. Everyone is a valuable resource, so tap in to this boundless well. Your agility with words and facts is impressive, so use it to your advantage. Friends are a source of great joy, and this is a wonderful time to be with them. For the most part, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. The person you’re with is what is important.


Be careful of people who talk a great deal and promise the world but have a difficult time delivering the goods, Pisces. You might get trapped today if you rely on people who simply don’t come through the way they said they would. Feel free to engage in social activities with partners, but don’t sign any major business deals with them at this time.

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