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Naresh: Le 18/06/2022 à 20:13 | MAJ à 10/07/2024 à 17:29
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Publié : Le 18/06/2022 à 20:13 | MAJ à 10/07/2024 à 17:29
Par : Naresh


Today you might be feeling particularly warm and loving toward a romantic partner, and the feeling is likely reciprocated. You could have trouble reaching each other, Aries. Phone messages may not be received, or perhaps the person has something important to do. Eventually the two of you will speak, even if you aren’t able to do what you want before tomorrow.


Ideas for creative, artistic, or service-oriented work might be coming thick and fast, although you could be torn between different possibilities, Taurus. All your ideas seem workable, yet you feel you should settle on one for the moment. It might be a good idea to ask the advice of others. Even if you don’t do exactly what they suggest, the advice might show you new options. Hang in there.


Your enthusiasm for group activities and social events is high, Gemini. You might want to discuss your ideas with others. However, you could have trouble reaching people you need to speak with. This can be frustrating, but your enthusiasm isn’t likely to flag because of it. Keep trying. Eventually you’ll accomplish your goal. Whatever you plan today is likely to be gratifying even if the process is difficult.


You might be expecting some visitors to your home, Cancer, and looking forward to it. However, your plans could be frustrated in some way through miscommunication, undelivered messages, delays due to traffic, or other obstacles. Don’t let this dim your enthusiasm. Whatever you’re trying to do will eventually come to fruition in spite of temporary frustrations. Don’t give up. Enjoy your evening.


Today you might feel a powerful need to write down your thoughts, Leo, but they could prove a bit too amorphous for you to put into words. You might also have difficulty making contact with friends or loved ones. You may keep missing each other. Getting to where you want to go could prove frustrating. In spite of small irritations, this should be an enjoyable day. Hang in there.


A small financial windfall might have you in a bit of a quandary about how to spend it, Virgo. You could have a bill you particularly want to pay, but you might also want to treat yourself to a minor luxury of some kind. The best option now might be to indulge yourself a little. You’ve been working hard, and unless you’re behind on your bills, you deserve a little treat. Go for it.


Communication with those closest to you might prove difficult today, Libra. You might end up playing endless phone tag. This can be a bit distressing, because you’re feeling especially warm and loving toward them right now. You might even worry that perhaps they’re angry and don’t want to talk to you. This isn’t the case. Keep trying. You’ll eventually reach them and receive the response you want.


Today you might work on an artistic project of some kind. You’ll put in a lot of effort, Scorpio, yet the results may not turn out to be exactly what you wanted. This could result in many revisions. Eventually, you’re going to have to stop. It’s possible to revise and correct too much. Whatever you’re working on, try to remain objective and not get too caught up in unrealistic expectations.


Although you should be feeling especially close to friends, lovers, and family, Sagittarius, you might find it hard to communicate with them today. Perhaps they have troubles they prefer to keep private and you’re confused, wondering if they’re upset with you. Chances are they aren’t. However, they probably need to work things out for themselves. Be patient. Try to understand. They may share their problems with you tomorrow.


A desire to do some redecorating, perhaps in anticipation of hosting a future social event, might prove frustrating today. You probably have some definite ideas, Capricorn, but can’t find the materials you need to produce the results you want. Whatever you’re planning, it might be a good idea to phone around in advance and see what resources are available. It could save you some frustration.


Travel could be on your mind. You’re probably excited about the possibility of a future vacation. You might need to finalize some arrangements today but find it difficult to reach people you need to speak to. This is frustrating, Aquarius, but it shouldn’t lessen your enthusiasm. Keep trying. You’ll eventually reach the appropriate person and finish whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Hang in there.


Today you might need to execute some paperwork regarding money, Pisces. Bills might need to be paid, deposits made, or checks collected. Minor incidents could interrupt you, causing some frustration. Communication of all kinds, including those with people close to you, might go awry during the day. It doesn’t change the positive turn your life is taking. Keep at it.