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Caroline: Le 20/04/2022 à 16:27 | MAJ à 20/04/2022 à 16:27
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Publié : Le 20/04/2022 à 16:27 | MAJ à 20/04/2022 à 16:27
Par : Caroline


Research that you’ve been doing for a particular project may finally be completed, Aries. Now you’re ready to finish your work. Your mind is especially sharp right now, so this is a good time to work on any kind of project that involves communication. If you’re a writer, your publishing prospects look good. Romance also should be going well. Perhaps you just became aware of a strong psychic bond between you and your beloved. Make the most of it!


Dreams and visions about your family paint a rosy picture of your future, Taurus. These dreams could well be prophetic, but don’t jump to that conclusion without first analyzing the symbols and discerning what your dreams are trying to tell you. There could be something that you need to consider before you can move ahead toward the future you want to create. But remember that dreams can be interpreted in more than one way!


Tonight you might decide to attend a social gathering held in your community that involves a lot of people who are into psychic or spiritual matters, Gemini. This should be an interesting experience for you, because you could not only glean a lot of fascinating information but also make some new friends. Someone could recommend a few intriguing books. Keep your eyes and ears open, and take your address book with you. Have fun!


If you’ve been uncertain about the possibility of a raise in your salary, Cancer, today you could finally be told for certain that it’s coming. This is definitely cause for celebration. You might want to call a friend or romantic partner and propose a night on the town. Your good luck shows signs of continuing if you keep on working as hard as you have been. Now it’s time to enjoy it!


Love and romance take top priority with you today, Leo. You might be feeling a little insecure about the stability of your current relationship, but you’re wasting your energy. For now, at least, things look very promising for you and your current lover. You should be communicating well and getting along great. Use your intuition to tune in to your friend’s mind, and you’ll probably feel your doubts and uncertainties slip away. Enjoy your day.


If you play your cards right, Virgo, you just might be able to turn what you’re picking up psychically into an exalted creative effort. The emotions and images flowing into your brain might be obscure, but they’re significant in some way. Whether you write, play music, dance, or paint, you could be blown away by your own work. Whatever your materials, get them out and memorialize your inspiration. Tomorrow you’ll be glad you did!


Expect to exchange a lot of phone calls and emails with friends today, Libra. Communication with others is your top priority. You have a lot of news to deliver and you’ll receive a lot in return. Much of what you hear could be useful for whatever you’re involved with now. The only downside is mental overload. You could feel as if your brain has spent the day running a marathon.


Financial good fortune continues, Scorpio, although old habits are hard to break and you might have difficulty adjusting to it. You could alternate between wanting to buy out the store and continuing to pinch pennies the way you used to. That’s OK. Everybody has to make adjustments in life. Second only to falling in love, this will probably be one of the most pleasant adjustments you’ll ever have to make!


Are you going on a trip or possibly moving, Sagittarius? Is education involved in some way? Whatever your reasons for going away, you’re going to gain whatever you hope for – and more. Writing, teaching, and anything involving communication should go very well right now, including conversations with a romantic partner. Your mind is quick and retentive right now, so make the most of it.


You tend to be intuitive by nature, Capricorn, but today you could receive psychic impressions by the dozen. You might even experience visions or hear voices. Don’t worry – you aren’t going crazy! You do, however, need to pay attention to these messages. They may have immense personal or even planetary significance. If you can’t make sense of them, write them down. It should all be clear to you later.


Communication with friends and partners should be clear, open, honest, and supportive today, Aquarius. Camaraderie flows freely, and affection is shown without restraint or overkill. If you’re presently involved but not yet committed, a declaration of love and an expression of desire to move the relationship to the next level could be in the wind. At the very least, your lover should pay you a compliment or two!


Have you been reading about how a positive mental outlook creates a healthy body and a happy life, Pisces? If so, you might just find that this attitude brings results. You’re feeling strong, fit, and mentally sharp. Career interests seem to be looking up for you. A fringe benefit is that you’re probably feeling especially intuitive, too. Keep doing whatever you’ve been doing to bring this all about, because it’s working!