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Caroline: Le 20/07/2022 à 14:33 | MAJ à 20/07/2022 à 14:33
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Publié : Le 20/07/2022 à 14:33 | MAJ à 20/07/2022 à 14:33
Par : Caroline


You may have that awful feeling that you really need to get down to work yet something seems to stand square in the way of progress. Perhaps you feel like you’re at a four-way stop with three other cars. Everyone is anxious to go first. You can’t all go at once, yet no one knows whose turn it is. Don’t put the pedal to the metal. Instead, ease slowly into the intersection and clearly signal your intentions.


You’re anxious to take action, Taurus, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Be careful about acting too hastily. It’s important that you and your loved one be on the same page first. You’re probably ready to jump to the end of the book where everyone lives happily ever after. There’s a whole story that has to play out first. Feel free to take aggressive action, but make sure that you temper it with a dash of common sense.


It may feel as if something or someone is trying to keep you from moving ahead with your ambitious goals and aggressive nature, Gemini. At first you may resent this ball and chain attached to your ankle, but on closer examination, you’ll see that this hindrance is actually a help. For now it’s serving as an important reminder to slow down and do more thinking and planning before taking action.


You’re apt to feel more talkative than usual, Cancer. There are many times when you may shrink from a situation in disgust or perhaps boredom. You’re usually anxious to move from one scene and get on with the next. Feel free to call the shots and speak your mind. Others are more likely to listen to what you have to say, so be honest when someone comes to you with a question or situation that he or she needs help with.


You may be anxious to try an uncharted path that speaks to your sense of risk and adventure, Leo. It’s important to temper these actions with realistic planning. You’re much more likely to get a flat tire when you don’t carry a spare. Make sure you have the proper resources to pull yourself out of any jam along the way. The old way of doing things is practical, tested, and tried and true for a reason, so don’t dismiss it altogether.


Other people are likely to be anxious to get up and moving with their plans, Virgo. It might be better for you to hang back a bit and see how things pan out before you take action. Let others go across the river first to learn the best way. Do you take a boat, wade, or look for a bridge? Let someone else be the guinea pig so you’ll have all the information you need to make the most prudent decision on how to proceed.


Your heart has been active, Libra, and you’re probably feeling the need to take charge of a certain relationship. Instead of being too hasty in your pursuit of this romance, you should probably do more planning. Look at the situation from a long-term perspective and see if the partnership is heading the way you want it to, based on how things are moving now. It could be that you’re jumping ahead of the game.


There is solid grounding to your emotions right now that is helping you stabilize your sensitive feelings, Scorpio. As you become more attuned to your internal needs, you may discover that recent actions in romance and love may not have been particularly appropriate. They could have seemed satisfying at the time, but on closer examination you may discover that you were compromising in order to make it seem like everything was working the way you wanted it to.


Your relationships are going well from an intellectual perspective, Sagittarius, but from an emotional one, you might feel like they aren’t as fulfilling as you’d like. Perhaps you’re letting your brain do too much of the driving. It’s time to let your heart take over and have its needs be tended to for a while. As your energy shifts, so will that of people around you. Let them react however they will. Try not to be upset by the changes that follow.


Concentrate on nurturing your needs right now instead of trying to accommodate the needs of others, Capricorn. There is a difficult tension that arises when you try to comfort someone who really doesn’t want to be comforted. The best way to handle the situation is to leave the person alone and tend to your own emotions. If you’re more stable and clear, you’ll be better able to help others. Take this time to recharge your own batteries.


Things may roll along nicely in love and romance and then suddenly run into a snag, Aquarius. Perhaps you failed to recognize an important birthday or anniversary. Perhaps you were expected to act a certain way or do something you failed to do. Approach the person you hurt honestly and apologetically. You write your own rules. Your way may differ from someone else’s, but that doesn’t make it better or worse.


Here’s a reminder that it’s OK to be you. You may feel more centered than usual, which encourages you to stand up for yourself and say the things you must to people who need to hear them. There may have been recent arguments with a partner, but those should subside now, thanks to today’s serene feelings. Perhaps you’ve gained greater insight into the cause of the tension. Share this with the person you’ve been arguing with.