It’s hard to deny the power of a chemical reaction to another person. You’ll likely meet someone today or perhaps you’ve just met someone who has a strong influence on you, Aries. You can’t get this person out of your mind. It isn’t clear whether this is a one-time fling or a long-term romance. Whatever it turns out to be, you’re thrilled to be feeling so excited and alive.
“The person who dies with the most toys wins” may well be your philosophy, Taurus. And today you certainly move ahead in the race as you add yet another technological wonder to your home. What is it this time? A scanner, digital camera, DVD player, or all of the above? It’s a small indulgence for all the hard work you do. If these things really give you such pleasure, then you deserve to have them.
Today you could sit down at the computer for just a minute to research something on the Internet and wind up spending most of the afternoon entranced by what you’re reading, Gemini. You could very well stumble upon some information on the occult and mysticism. It’s always fascinated you, and now that you’ve begun learning, you don’t want to stop. Perhaps you could enroll in a workshop and mingle with others who share a similar interest.
You’ve always had a knack for all things financial, Cancer, but today your ability is especially enhanced. You’ve discovered all the free investing information available over the Internet, and you absorb it like a sponge. Your natural fiscal sense enables you to separate the nonsense from the sound investment advice. Your portfolio and your mood benefit immediately!
Keep your eyes wide open today, Leo, as you may meet the person of your dreams! Or you could stumble, literally, upon a stack of cash. It’s likely to be a most unusual day, so keep your wits about you and your mind open to all possibilities. If an intriguing new business opportunity comes your way, don’t accept it right immediately. Take down all the information and review it when life has settled down somewhat.
A change of profession may be in the stars for you, Virgo, or a change of hobby at the very least. The latest technological advances have really captured your interest. Making films, in particular, gets your creative juices flowing. Perhaps it’s time to sign up for a weekend workshop or splurge on that video camera you’ve been eyeing. The diversion will do you a world of good.
You’re likely to be feeling the tug of distant lands, Libra. Today you could stop at the travel agent’s office, the one you’ve walked by countless times, and stare at the pictures. Thailand, Hong Kong, and New Zealand are just a few of the places you’d like to see. The pictures look so enticing. Go ahead. Plan such a trip, although it’s likely to be only a temporary diversion. Your wanderlust indicates a fundamental restlessness that must be resolved.
Change, even when it’s for the better, can sometimes be a little scary, Scorpio. You could feel some hesitation about taking a new job or upgrading your home. Nevertheless, you’re being given a terrific opportunity. If you don’t seize it, you’ll likely regret it for the rest of your life. What’s occurring is for the best, so stretch your arms up high and reach for that brass ring!
There are plenty of opportunities out there, and you’re tempted to seize every one of them. Well, Sagittarius, a bit of discrimination is in order if you’re going to make the best use of the auspicious atmosphere. Travel is definitely in the picture, as is continuing your education in some way. It could be something simple, such as enrolling in a cooking class at an adult education center. Or perhaps you’re going to fulfill a lifelong ambition and apply to business school. Good for you!
You’re likely to receive a windfall of some sort today. Be cautious with it, Capricorn. If you invest it wisely, it will serve you long and well. Your curiosity has been piqued about some rather esoteric subjects, perhaps the dark arts. Why not visit your local library to check out some books on these topics of interest?
A change of scene is in store for you, Aquarius. It’s unclear whether or not this is a voluntary move, but it’s clear that chaos and confusion reign over the next few days. There is much to be done. Fortunately, your organizational abilities will serve you well. You don your general’s hat, wield your clipboard like a sword, and get everybody doing your bidding. The move is completed in record time!
It’s possible that you could fear for your job today, Pisces. Fortunately, those fears are unfounded. There is a lot of upheaval occurring at work. You’re best advised to steer clear of it, if you can. If you continue to do your job well, you’re likely to receive a bonus or promotion as a result of your efforts. You’ve earned it.