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Naresh: Le 23/08/2021 à 23:40 | MAJ à 23/08/2021 à 23:40
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Publié : Le 23/08/2021 à 23:40 | MAJ à 23/08/2021 à 23:40
Par : Naresh

Tuesday’s skies might make it hard to see things clearly, Aries. Mental Mercury locks into a hard aspect with daydreamy Neptune, creating a hazy fog around your workflow and job environment. This aspect creates fertile ground for miscommunication among coworkers and generally makes it hard to focus on reality. Aim to channel the inspiration this pairing provides rather than try to keep things practical.

Fantasy reigns supreme beneath Tuesday’s skies, Taurus. You’re likely to be lost in a romantic fog or be drifting off into inspired visions for personal creative projects, as messenger Mercury falls into an opposition with spaced-out Neptune. If you can manage to cut through the tired brain fog, you’ll benefit from wrangling this potent creative energy and applying it toward your goals.

This time of year encourages you to tend to your creative and romantic side, Gemini. Today’s cosmic landscape pushes you to get serious about your next moves in those arenas, as magnetic Venus forms a sweet connection with capable Saturn. It’s an ideal day to make grounded plans with personal creative projects or discuss the future of an ongoing flirtation or partnership.

Tuesday’s cosmic landscape is wonderfully aimless, Cancer. Your leading lady, the shapeshifting moon, transitions from spacey Pisces into initiative-hungry Aries. Luna’s lack of connections renders a slow, low-energy day. This energy is doubled down thanks to mental Mercury’s opposition with blissed-out Neptune. It’s creating a communication fog that’s hard to side-step. Poetry, music, and healing conversations win out over hard-and-fast reality.

Be mindful of where you’re spending your money today, Leo. It’s easy to pull the trigger on a purchase that may not be as realistically satisfying down the road, as messenger Mercury locks into a disorienting opposition with deceptive Neptune. This spaced-out pairing may also create confusion around your feelings of validity and self-worth in general. Aim to channel your energy toward finding a therapeutic outlet, rather than piling up debts.

The universe is warping your perception of reality today, Virgo. Your ruling planet, expressive Mercury, wanders into a spaced-out opposition with dissolving Neptune. This disorienting contact is likely to create brain fog, mixed messages, and a strong need for fantasy. You may find yourself feeling overly idealistic or confused concerning partnership matters. Embrace a slow-paced, dreamy day.

Tuesday’s skies imbue the day with a deceptive, dream-like quality, Libra. Messenger Mercury falls into a sleepy opposition with spaced-out Neptune. Despite your desire to be productive, this hazy contact can make it hard to see things clearly on the work front and to stay focused. Rather than getting lost in mixed messages among coworkers, aim to quietly reflect and channel any inspired visions towards your craft.

You’re not likely to be seeing your long term goals realistically under Tuesday’s skies, Scorpio. Mental Mercury’s opposition with foggy Neptune creates a hazy fog around your creative ambitions and deepest aspirations, making it difficult to fully believe in their potential. Rather than succumb to self-defeating or escapist-driven thoughts, aim to channel this deeply inspired energy into a creative outlet.

This time of year highlights your highest career aspirations, Sagittarius. Yet, Tuesday’s skies require you to look deep within at your shifting foundations before you can cultivate forward growth. Messenger Mercury locks into a disorienting opposition with dreamy Neptune, creating a mental and emotional fog around your foundations. Use this energy to reflect on your home and family environment and engage in healing conversations.

You’re likely to be longing for greener pastures today, Capricorn. Mental Mercury floats out to sea with daydreamy Neptune, creating a mental fog that can be hard to shake. The day itself runs low on energy, as the moon’s transition from sleepy Pisces into go-getter Aries lacks any real contacts. Rather than force yourself to swim upstream, aim to cultivate a peaceful laid-back environment that doesn’t require major action.

You’re something of a diamond in the rough these days, Aquarius. Monday’s skies arrive with a soothing balm, as magnetic Venus forms a supportive connection with your ruling planet, grounded Saturn. This sweet pairing offers you the chance to embrace new commitments and future-oriented conversations on the relationship front. These opportunities push you to break through old barriers around forming bonds and help refresh your perspective on love.

It’s easy to get swept up in a dreamworld today, Pisces. Fortunately, you’re not a stranger to that mindset! Messenger Mercury falls into a disorienting opposition with dreamy Neptune, creating confusing or overly idealized circumstances around relationship matters. Refrain from entering into any joint collaborations until this aspect has passed, as it can be hard to see others clearly. Instead, use this inspired energy to have healing conversations or daydreamy contemplations.

