Prosperity is just around the corner, Aries, if it isn’t here already. All your efforts are about to pay off and in a big way. It may be that a big proposal gets accepted at work, or perhaps a manuscript that you’ve penned lands you a publisher. Your innate talent and good fortune combine to bring wonderful things your way. Enjoy this welcome change of events!
There is passion in the air, Taurus, and you’re convinced that you’re the one electrifying the air around you. To be blunt, you can think of little else but sex today. Perhaps it’s a result of working too hard for too long and not taking the time to indulge your sensual side. Well, there’s no time like the present. Why not invite a certain special someone for a home-cooked meal? Light a candle, open a bottle of wine, and see what happens.
You have an innate psychic ability that only needs some fine-tuning and strengthening for it to develop into a formidable power. Even now you sometimes find yourself reading other people’s thoughts. This sensitivity gets you into trouble sometimes, but mostly it works to your advantage. In relationships, especially, you’re able to put an end to hurt feelings before they evolve into something irreparable.
You surprise yourself by signing up for a group lesson rather than a private one. This is unlike you; nevertheless, you find you enjoy the social interaction. Besides, whether you’re learning cooking or rock climbing, it’s always much more fun to learn with others. That way, you can learn from their mistakes and they from yours. It’s bound to be a fun, adventurous day, Cancer. Enjoy it.
You’ve been working especially hard and you’re beginning to wonder if all your effort has been for naught. A restructuring at work leaves you wondering just exactly where you fit in or if you even fit in at all. You may have a troubling few days, Leo, but will be relieved to learn that the higher-ups have big plans for you in the newly organized, streamlined company
You’re bubbling over with confidence and enthusiasm, Virgo. Not surprisingly, those around you respond in kind. Your smile is contagious, and you have people joking and laughing with you throughout the day. You’ll have much success in whatever you do today, although group efforts will likely prove more rewarding. Romance figures prominently in the evening, so make the most of it!
Your natural intuition and sensitivity will be heightened today, Libra. You’re able to read the thoughts and feelings of others and interpret them accurately. Alas, you can’t use this skill as effectively on yourself. Some old issues have reemerged, causing you some distress. These issues are blocking you in some way. You won’t be able to move forward with your life until you resolve them once and for all. Perhaps a professional psychic could help.
A new relationship is likely to form soon, and it will probably be with someone who’s already in your life. Perhaps it’s someone you knew in high school and you just recently got back in touch with, or perhaps a colleague at work suddenly begins to pay you a lot of attention. Romance is definitely in the air today, Scorpio, so keep your eyes open for subtle cues from the people in your life.
Your head is somewhat in the clouds today, Sagittarius. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it just means that it’s difficult for you to get any work done. Much as you’d rather be elsewhere, you really do need to stay focused on the projects at hand. By all means, plan an exit strategy from the mundane routine of your day-to-day life, but don’t expect to make your escape today.
Your heart and intuition will rule today much more than your mind. Trust what your instincts tell you, Capricorn. If you’re in a sales profession, you can expect the orders to come rolling in today, as your extrasensory perception helps you know your clients’ needs almost before they do. Plan a romantic encounter with someone you love, and put your ESP to work on him or her tonight.
Your creative nature will no longer be repressed, Aquarius! As you look around your home, you realize you feel the need to spruce it up a bit. Motivated by a desire to give dinner parties and invite family members who live far away to come for a visit, you get to work repainting, wallpapering, and maybe even sending that sofa out to be reupholstered. The final result will be fantastic, Aquarius. You’ll be proud.
You’ve always had psychic ability, and today it’s at a peak, Pisces. Perhaps not coincidentally, you’re likely to be contacted by a close friend or lover from your past. He or she isn’t calling to renew your relationship but rather for advice. Your heightened abilities today make you the ideal confidant. Listen closely and advise what your heart tells you is right.