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Caroline: Le 24/08/2021 à 11:26 | MAJ à 24/08/2021 à 11:26
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Publié : Le 24/08/2021 à 11:26 | MAJ à 24/08/2021 à 11:26
Par : Caroline


A missed communication – or miscommunication – with a romantic partner could find you waiting in the wrong place, Aries. If you’re planning to get together with someone special tonight, make sure you get the full details of the location, including the exact address, cross street, and driving directions. Write it down! And don’t forget to note the time.


Today you could find that you’ve left something at home, perhaps a book or letter that you need. There’s no way around it, Taurus, you’ll have to go back. This could make you late. Stay calm! This is a temporary irritation that will pass. Making yourself crazy over it will only stress you out. At lunch, treat yourself to a glass of wine or a soothing cup of tea.


You may need to spend a lot of time in the car today, Gemini. You could hit traffic and miss some of the people you need to see. Irritations could quickly turn to anger if you aren’t careful. Park your car and walk to some of the places. This will get you out of the crush of cars and work off your frustration at the same time.


Paperwork involving money may need doing today, Cancer, and this could take you away from what you love most – working on your own projects and spending time with a love partner. Don’t get too crazy over it or you might make mistakes. Correcting those errors would eat up more time. Take care of it methodically and quickly and you’ll be able to get back to your life.


An unhappy visitor, probably a woman, could come to your home today, Leo. This person has a lot of anger right now and probably won’t make much of a conversationalist. If you can’t make your excuses, put on some music or perhaps a funny movie. You might be surprised at the results! Some soothing chords or a few laughs might accomplish wonders. Be clever!


Have you been expecting an important letter, Virgo? If so, it may not arrive for a while. If it doesn’t appear today, call the person who sent it and ask for a duplicate because the original could be lost in the mail. Better to have two copies than wait for one that will never come.


Money worries could have your nerves on edge, Libra. It’s better to focus on doing what you have to do to resolve your difficulties than it is to waste time fretting over them. Your business head is operating at a high level today. If you stay focused, you can accomplish wonders. Formulate a plan of action and put it to work.


A lot of tedious paperwork is probably waiting for you, and you will want to get it done as quickly as possible. You might be distracted and irritated by everyone goofing off. Don’t worry about everyone else. Concentrate on your own work. You will only cause further irritation by getting upset with everyone. You will be done with your tasks when they’re just getting started on theirs!


Some facts that you may need for certain projects might prove elusive today, Sagittarius. No matter what website or periodical you consult, you’ll probably come across some interesting stuff but not exactly what you’re looking for. If the task isn’t urgent, it might be a good idea to put it off for a bit. Otherwise you’ll spend too much time looking for the impossible.


You should pay attention to your dreams, Capricorn, but tonight your subconscious might send you some garbled information that means next to nothing. If the message is obvious, pay attention to it, but if you have to perform too many mental gymnastics to discern what the symbols mean, they might mean nothing. Sometimes a dream is just a dream.


A miscommunication with a business or romantic partner might cause some ruffled feathers today, Aquarius. You can divert this by explaining the facts clearly whenever you give information. Make sure your partner understands what you’re saying before they go and act on it! For your own part, don’t be shy about asking what someone means. Remember, it’s better to ask a stupid question than make a dumb mistake!


Do you work with a lot of documents, Pisces? If so, you might find today that some of the papers you need are missing. They might seem to have vanished into a black hole. Look everywhere, of course, but chances are that someone has them and isn’t aware of it. Don’t be too shy to ask people about the papers. You could save yourself a lot of unnecessary effort this way.
