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Caroline: Le 24/06/2022 à 11:37 | MAJ à 10/07/2024 à 19:09
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Publié : Le 24/06/2022 à 11:37 | MAJ à 10/07/2024 à 19:09
Par : Caroline


The astral energy indicates positive financial news. A settlement, grant, or bonus of some kind that you’ve anticipated for a long time may finally manifest. You might want to celebrate, Aries. A chance to attend a large gathering might come your way. Have fun. Tonight, don’t be surprised if you have vivid dreams – some great, some sad. Keep paper and pen handy so you can write them down.


Today you’ll put a lot of energy into business, personal, or romantic partnerships. They’re likely to be especially beneficial now, Taurus. So even if you prefer to work alone, this is the time to explore the possibility of joining with those who share your ambitions. Romantic partnerships formed or advanced today are likely to prove stable and enduring. Don’t let fear stand in your way. Move ahead.


Too much work and the resulting pressure over the past few days could have you feeling too tired to do anything more, Gemini, although your optimism and enthusiasm are still intact. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re dragging a little toward the end of the day. You’ll be able to recharge your batteries before tomorrow. In the evening, relax at home with a good book.


Romance blossoms for you tonight, Cancer, perhaps after a long period of standing still. A new sense of stability and security may settle on love relationships and close friendships. Children could also be a source of warmth and pleasure. You might want to channel some of this positive energy into creative activity of some kind, which will increase your sense of contentment and well-being.


Tonight you might host a virtual social event, perhaps for business associates. You could be nervous at first, Leo, wondering if all will go as well as you hope, but your efforts should produce the results you want. You might be introduced to new contacts, leading to increased opportunities. Take a walk after it’s over. Your mind will be churning, and you’ll want to clear your head.


Paperwork, perhaps contracts or other legal documents of some kind, might need attention so you can move ahead with some of your projects. These projects could involve writing or speaking. Your mind is in just the right space to participate in anything involving communication, Virgo, and doors of opportunity may open up for you in this field. Gird your loins and get to it. You’ll be glad you did.


The financial picture continues to improve, Libra. At some point during the day, you might have the feeling that you aren’t working hard enough to keep the forward motion going, and you might feel panic rise. This could prove a good motivating factor, but you don’t need to push yourself harder than you’re going now. You’re on a roll and it’s likely to continue. Just pace yourself.


Even though all continues to go well for you, Scorpio, your mood may go up and down today. In spite of all the great things in your life, you might find yourself feeling a little blue sometime during the day. Don’t read too much into it. It’s probably just the result of low biorhythms. Try to distract yourself with work. This evening talk or text with some friends who always cheer you up.


Trying to get too much work done in the course of one day might prove self-defeating today, Sagittarius. Your energy isn’t what it usually is, and you’re probably operating on nervous energy. Consider the situation and list your tasks in order of urgency. The world won’t come to an end if you don’t get them all done today. In the evening, rent a pile of DVDs, order a pizza, and relax.


A depressed friend may need cheering up. Your ability to nurture and listen sympathetically will prove beneficial, Capricorn. Take care not to absorb any of this person’s dejection. Your own life should continue to go well, with business and career successes leading to new friendships and goals. Hang onto your own enthusiasm and optimism while extending a compassionate ear to others.


Too many projects to complete might have you feeling just a little bit pressured, Aquarius. However, your innate determination is likely to drive you on to try to get it all done even if it seems impossible. Don’t try to do it all yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for a little help. This might accomplish your ends without putting undue burdens on yourself.


You’ve been doing well, Pisces, but today you might be feeling more focused than ever. The path ahead seems clear and well defined. You’re looking forward to the future with motivation and anticipation. You might be considering a travel adventure or perhaps going back to school for an advanced degree. Today is a good day to start doing some research and finalizing your plans. Go to it.