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Caroline: Le 24/05/2022 à 15:25 | MAJ à 24/05/2022 à 15:25
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Publié : Le 24/05/2022 à 15:25 | MAJ à 24/05/2022 à 15:25
Par : Caroline


Focus on the simple pleasures today, Aries. Don’t feel like you have to search in far-off lands or engage in expensive recreational activities to find happiness and peace. Realize that everything you need is all inside you. Find your happiness in delighting in nature. Smile at the Sun, the Moon, and the trees. Realize that beauty resides all around you, not just in stores full of expensive objects.


Focus on your creative mind, Taurus. This is a very fertile time for planting hearty seeds that will be sure to grow up healthy and strong. You have the ability to be very prosperous, but it certainly won’t come easily. The key for you is to maintain your cool. Don’t overreact to the little annoyances that come your way. You’re above petty squabbles, so don’t waste your time on them.


Motivation must come from within, Gemini. The only thing that can pull you out of bed is your inner drive and determination. Too much partying could leave you drained to the point that you don’t want to move. Remember moderation. Be good to your body. Go outside and let your thoughts radiate outward like rays of sunshine. Feel the ground beneath your feet.


You might find that words aren’t the best way to communicate today, Cancer. Body language and the sense of touch and taste are much more effective. You’ll find that your senses will be heightened overall. The smell of the restaurant several blocks away could make your taste buds water. Give in to your senses and let your feet follow your nose. Go enjoy a good meal tonight with someone special.


Strong forces may be acting up and asking you to stand up a little straighter than usual, Leo. Keep your shoulders back and be proud. Don’t think of yourself as any less of a person just because there is disagreement between you and the people around you. Maintain respect for yourself and your opinions. Say things with confidence. Don’t back down, but be prepared to fight.


Feel free to take the lazy route today, Virgo. Don’t lift a finger if you don’t really have to. It may be hard to get others moving as well. You can prod all you want, but, ultimately, if people don’t want to go, they aren’t going to. Your flexible nature might be put to the test. More than likely, you’ll find that you need to adapt to the whims of others rather than the other way around.


Your thinking is steady and reserved today, Libra. You’ll find that your mind is right in line with your ego, and you’ll be able to accurately verbalize what’s going on inside. You might be guarded about how much you tell people. It could be that others are holding back information from you. Proceed with caution and be honest in all your dealings.


Today is an excellent day for you to say exactly how you feel, Scorpio. Your thinking is sharp and clear. You’ll find that once you start talking, you may never stop. People will listen extra carefully to your words. You have a great deal of influence on others. If you realize how much impact you have on the people around you, you’ll be able to accomplish a great deal today.


You might find that your brain is chugging along in the slow lane today, Sagittarius. It could even be gradually creeping over to the breakdown lane! It may be more difficult to come up with your quick, witty rebuttals in conversations. Take your time and make sure you choose your words very carefully. Communicating with others might be a bit like pulling teeth today.


You might find that words aren’t the best way to communicate today, Capricorn. Body language and the sense of touch and taste are much more effective. You’ll find that your senses will be heightened overall. The smell of the restaurant several blocks away could make your taste buds water. Give in to your senses and let your feet follow your nose. Go enjoy a good meal tonight with someone special.


Things are apt to get intense for you today, Aquarius. There will be a lot of information coming your way, but it all won’t necessarily be great. It seems that someone is putting a roadblock in your path, making it difficult for you to pass. Don’t let this stop you. Use your creative ability and resolute nature to find ways around any obstacles. Experiences like this will only make you stronger.


Your head may be buzzing with activity, Pisces. It seems like the spotlight suddenly has been turned on. Your mind is on stage and your brainpower is being tested. Are you prepared for the challenge? Whether you’re ready or not, it’s here. Remember the importance of individuality. Don’t become another typical cookie from the same old cookie cutter. Be your own person and think for yourself.