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Caroline: Le 25/03/2022 à 15:01 | MAJ à 25/03/2022 à 15:01
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Publié : Le 25/03/2022 à 15:01 | MAJ à 25/03/2022 à 15:01
Par : Caroline


The planetary energy makes this a good day for contemplation rather than action, Aries. If you feel the urge to buy, don’t. Sleep on decisions. If you feel the same tomorrow, go for it. If you’re in the middle of a conflict at work, try not to take sides. Tell anyone who asks your opinion that you need time to think about it. Consider scheduling an hour of meditation. The word for today is Zen!


Passion and romance are in the air, Taurus, so make the most of the great atmosphere! Everyone seems to be in a festive mood. You feel close to others and feel profound gratitude for the loved ones in your life. Consider leaving work early to go home to snuggle up close with your special someone. Be sure to be extra open about sharing your feelings today.


You may receive some upsetting news from a family member today, Gemini. It could have you reeling for a moment, but when you take the time to think about it some more you’ll realize that things aren’t as troubling as they first seemed. Be sure to get all the facts before taking any action. You want to be sure to do what’s right in this situation.


You must weigh your physical limitations with your desire to get everything done, Cancer. You run the risk of wearing yourself out and getting sick just as you finish your tasks. Enlist the help of others, if you can, for all those chores and errands that absolutely need to be done. You should definitely leave anything that can wait. Your health needs to come first!


Today you could realize that a friend is actually your soul mate, Leo. You’ve been spending a lot of time together attending social events, and you’ve come to realize how much you look forward to each other’s company. Your new level of affection seems obvious, but it would be a good idea to put it into words. If you can’t screw up the courage to do so, express your thoughts with a gift.


You may feel at odds with the rest of the world now, Virgo, as you yearn for some quiet time alone. See if you can find a balance between spending time with your family and time alone. If you set the alarm to wake you early, you can enjoy the peace and quiet of dawn. If you aren’t an early riser, you can always sequester yourself in the library for a few hours of solitude.


You have a warm and sensitive nature, Libra, and today you could be feeling especially tuned in to the feelings of others. Romance is very much on your mind, as are all things sensual. If you’re shopping for clothes, you’ll likely be drawn to rich and luxurious fabrics. Don’t hesitate to indulge this passionate side of yourself. Your mate will likely be quite appreciative!


This may be a tricky day, Scorpio, as you feel the pull of conflicting demands and desires. On the one hand, you feel obligated to your career and fulfilling the demands of your employer. On the other, your loved ones miss you and would like to have you around more. There’s no easy answer, although you might want to consider ways to delegate more work so you can spend more time with your loved ones.+


It doesn’t seem fair that your workload has increased these last few days. Never mind that you still have all of your normal tasks to do, your boss expects you to finalize a new budget and write a proposal as well? Enlist the help of others if you can. If you can’t, simply do the best you can without sacrificing time with your family and loved ones. Ultimately, Sagittarius, the latter is more important.


You’ve been extremely busy these past few months, working extra hours at the office, then going out with friends late at night. This sort of behavior is known as “burning the candle at both ends,” and it rarely has a happy ending, Capricorn. You need to take some quiet time, ideally with someone special. It’s likely that your romantic partner misses you and would jump at the opportunity to spend an intimate evening with you.


Expect today’s planetary energies to raise your social consciousness, Aquarius. You may be distracted with thoughts of the homeless person you saw today, or the television special you saw on babies with AIDS. You may be reflecting on your connection to and responsibilities toward humanity. Why don’t you put aside a little time or money for the charity of your choice? If you’re feeling these urges, don’t hesitate to act on them!


You may be asked to swallow your pride and give in to someone else’s will today, Pisces. This will be difficult for you to do. Try to concentrate on your good reasons for obedience, and work out your frustration by taking a brisk walk. Expect to receive some welcome news from another source, which will also help calm you down. Relax with a group of supportive friends tonight.