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: Le 25/05/2023 à 14:32 | MAJ à 18/07/2024 à 17:28
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Publié : Le 25/05/2023 à 14:32 | MAJ à 18/07/2024 à 17:28
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A surge of romantic passion could move you to rendezvous with a lover no matter what obstacles bar your way. Take care to notice what your partner wants! Enterprises that you may have been pursuing with business colleagues could take a giant step forward, as both you and your partners are feeling especially strong and motivated. Move forward with caution, Aries, but move forward.


Minor ailments may awaken a new determination to improve your health. You feel especially energetic today, Taurus, so you might go to the gym. Just don’t overdo it. You might also be considering several changes you’d like to make in your home or workplace. Give them careful thought before moving ahead.


The desire to bring important personal projects to a close might have you focusing a lot of energy on them, Gemini. You might need to run several errands before you can finish. Your energy is high, so consider playing some sports or getting a good workout at the gym. Push yourself, but not beyond your limits, Gemini. “No pain, no gain” is a fallacy!


The desire for independence may have some family members thinking about breaking out on their own. Others could desire to make some extra money for their own projects. Your house could be busy today, if you’re in it at all. Don’t be surprised if everyone spends most of the day somewhere else.


Your mind is especially acute today, Leo. You may come up with ideas for new projects. You’re feeling especially motivated and courageous. Don’t be surprised if you try to achieve the impossible. Friends or groups could play a strong role in whatever you try. Move ahead cautiously, but move ahead. Don’t let the day’s advantages pass you by.


Strong intuition concerning ways to generate extra income might pop into your head all day. Some of them may seem off the wall, but don’t let that stop you. Look into the possibilities. They might not be that outrageous. This is definitely a day to move your interests forward, Virgo. You have the energy and motivation to do wonders. Make the most of today!


Group activities or projects you’re working on with friends could prove inspiring today. Your enthusiasm is high, Libra, as is your energy, so you’re likely to want to channel your personal power into whatever goals you have. Today you have the courage to focus on matters that others wouldn’t even attempt. Move forward with caution, but go to it!


A surge of inner power and intuition could have you thinking about embracing an unusual profession. Your desire for independence is strong now, Scorpio, so you might be thinking about working on your own, perhaps in an artistic field or a service profession. You have the power to do wonders today. Be practical and move forward with caution, but follow your heart!


Today you might channel one final, powerful burst of energy into completing a goal that means a great deal to you. Your courage and determination are high, and you have the ability to accomplish a lot at this time, Sagittarius. If you’ve been considering projects that others think are impossible, this is the day to act. Move forward with caution, but go for the gold!


Determination could advance career and money matters today. If you’ve been thinking about striking out on your own, Capricorn, this is the day to start. Some in-depth research might be required. Your need for independence in career matters is high, as well as the courage to go for what you want. Use caution and discretion, but move ahead anyway. Don’t let the day’s advantages pass you by!


You may desire freedom today, Aquarius. Projects involving partnerships could get a strong push forward because you’re feeling especially motivated to get things done. Your partners could be inspired to get the ball rolling, and all of you may feel courageous enough to try the impossible. Don’t confuse courage with foolhardiness. Caution is always called for in tricky situations.


You may have been working on projects that make you feel good over the past few weeks, Pisces, particularly projects that relate to attaining more independence in your career. In the process, you’ve probably developed some new skills and now feel confident enough to use them. Today’s one last burst of determination and inner power could complete the process and reach the goals you want.

