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Naresh: Le 26/06/2022 à 19:00 | MAJ à 26/06/2022 à 19:00
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Publié : Le 26/06/2022 à 19:00 | MAJ à 26/06/2022 à 19:00
Par : Naresh


Get your chores done early today so you have time to play tonight, Aries. Plan a romantic evening with someone you love, if possible. Feel free to let your imagination carry you to a whole new realm of pleasure. Today is a great day to explore more of your artistic nature and begin to manifest some of the ideas that have been rattling around in your head for some time.


This is an excellent day to tell people exactly how you feel, Taurus. Your emotions are more stable than usual, so open up and let your heart speak. What you learn today will be extremely valuable for the future, so pay attention. Keep an eye on what is real, but feel free to let your heart explore all possibilities. Follow your emotions and trust your instincts. You stand to gain quite a bit.


Today may be tough for you, Gemini. It might seem like nothing is fitting into place. Could it be that you’re trying to be someone you aren’t? If things aren’t working out, don’t press the issue. You’re better off waiting for a time when you feel more confident about who you are and where you’re going. Have a cup of tea and relax. Releasing stress can free your energy for other uses.


Today may be tough for you, Gemini. It might seem like nothing is fitting into place. Could it be that you’re trying to be someone you aren’t? If things aren’t working out, don’t press the issue. You’re better off waiting for a time when you feel more confident about who you are and where you’re going. Have a cup of tea and relax. Releasing stress can free your energy for other uses.


Today may be one of those days when you don’t know which way to turn, Leo. You’re spinning around, and no direction looks good to you. For some reason, your engine won’t turn off, and you just keep going in circles. If you can, stop and take a rest. Walk around for a while until your head stops spinning. Wait until the air clears before making your next major move.


Romance is coming your way today as long as you stay levelheaded about the immediate situation, Virgo. Take care of menial daily tasks and then let your heart soar. You’ll find that you have a strong connection to your emotions. Trust your instincts and feel free to let your heart take control. Be realistic about your relationships with others but push the boundaries once they’ve been set.


Your emotions may be a bit reserved today, Libra. It’s OK to take a break from the activity and simply lay low. This is a good time to sit back and receive. Don’t make any sudden moves. Let the energy of the day take you where it will. The closer you can get to the intuitiveness of your inner self, the closer you’ll be to a romantic partner or family member.


Family issues play an important role today, Scorpio. Speak from your heart and tell your closest relatives how much they really mean to you. In general, you might feel a bit reserved with your energy. Don’t feel like you have to make any great strides just now. It’s more a time to enjoy what you’ve worked for. Kick back and reap the rewards of all your hard work.


You may feel some indecision regarding a loved one today, Sagittarius. Something could be urging you to act in this department, yet you might find that you just want to lay low. Realize that there’s an important next step that you must take. Think the situation through before you make a move. In fact, this day is best spent gathering data. Perhaps you should wait before doing something about it.


Today is a great day to work on getting yourself together. Your emotions are stable, leaving your heart free to soar in the clouds. Feel free to daydream. Now is a good time to make plans with a romantic partner if possible. Solidify your relationship and confirm your commitment to each other. If you’re single, now is a good time to set a plan in motion that will bring you closer to your greatest fantasy.


Love, affection, and romance seem to be all around you. Strong unity with close friends, family members, and your romantic partner may well up throughout the day. You can also expect a rush of imagination and artistic inspiration, perhaps generated by the support of those around you. Any relationships formed now will last a long time. Recall this day when times get tough.


There’s a somewhat conservative air to your feelings today, Aquarius. You might be called on to get serious for a second and take care of business. This may not be a bad idea. Believe it or not, this grounded nature can help you move into a deeper relationship with someone special. Let your creative nature shine through and try to do more listening than talking. Make your dreams a reality.