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Caroline: Le 28/07/2021 à 13:40 | MAJ à 28/07/2021 à 13:40
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Publié : Le 28/07/2021 à 13:40 | MAJ à 28/07/2021 à 13:40
Par : Caroline


Come out of serious mode for a day and let yourself laugh, Aries. Hold a game night at your home and invite some good friends over to play cards and nibble on snacks until all hours. This is a day to have fun, so let loose and freely express yourself in the best way you see fit. Realize how much power you have in your jovial nature. Spread it generously.


You have an incredibly strong influence on others today, Taurus, just because yours is a fun-loving, peaceful, and harmonious nature. Your charm will take you any place you want to go, so use it at your will. Accentuate the positive and walk on the sunny side of the street. Smile and bring good cheer to the people you meet.


Put your aggressions away today, Gemini. Laugh a little! Transform your energy from intense, hard, and caustic to lighthearted, fun, and loving. This will take you a long way. Little things may crop up that could disrupt your daily routine, but a warm smile is all you need to defuse any frustration or negativity.


It’s a terrific day for you, Cancer. Your jovial approach to every situation is just what the doctor ordered. Spend time with children and enjoy their magical world. Freely spread your love and affection to the people around you. Make sure that the corners of people’s mouths are turning up instead of down. A friendly attitude will take you far.


Take a time-out today and relax a little, Leo. Let your romantic nature have some fun. Don’t feel guilty about not being as serious as you think you should be. The day’s winner is the one who can smile the most. Enter this contest with the intention of winning. The rewards will last a long time. The people you encounter won’t be able to help but smile back.


You might find that others have a “me first” attitude that doesn’t sit quite right with you, Virgo. You may need to wake them up and say, “Hey, what about everybody else?” Try not to whine as you deliver this message. Desperation or complaining will get you nowhere. Be friendly and jovial in your approach and you will have the world at your feet.


Bask in today’s warm, loving energy, Libra. Adopt an attitude of gratitude and look to see the beauty in everything around you. This is a day to appreciate what you have, especially the people who love you. Compliment others and let them know how much they mean to you. These words and deeds will have a ripple effect that will bring you a great deal of good fortune.


It’s time for you to come out of hibernation, Scorpio. Shake off the blues and come into the light. Today is a day to play and have fun. The mood of the day is lighthearted and jovial, so be the first with a joke or silly story. Do what you can to make others laugh. Let the fire within you burn at its brightest.


Other people’s stubborn attitudes may hinder your progress today, Sagittarius, so take this as a hint that you might need to loosen your grip on a certain viewpoint you’re fiercely clinging to. There’s a great deal of power behind your emotions, and you need to express it. Jump onstage and take the podium. Speak your mind even if you don’t always agree with the group.


The doldrums are over and it’s time to pick up the pace, Capricorn. Come out of your house in full regalia today. Be proud of what you have to offer to the world. Be courageous in your dealings with others. Take the time to express yourself fully in a creative manner. The bigger the smile you wear, the further you will go in just about every situation.


People are going to appreciate extra long hugs today, Aquarius, so give them out like candy to everyone you meet. A kind gesture and warm word won’t be forgotten. Let your generous and kind spirit shine through. Open your arms wide to spread love to the world around you. It’s the perfect day for laughter and affection, so do your part.


Things should go extremely well for you today, Pisces, so don’t shy away from any part of it. In fact, take this opportunity to shine as brightly as you can. Crank up the power and project yourself out to the world. Bring out your radiant smile as often as possible – it’s contagious. There is tremendous power behind your self-confidence, so tackle everything with energy and enthusiasm.
