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Jessila: Le 30/08/2021 à 15:20 | MAJ à 30/08/2021 à 15:20
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Publié : Le 30/08/2021 à 15:20 | MAJ à 30/08/2021 à 15:20
Par : Jessila


This should be a fortunate day, Aries, including love, career, money, and health. Plans for a trip might finally materialize, and a long-awaited solution for a niggling health concern could manifest. You should feel very enthusiastic and optimistic about your future. You might even be daring enough to take a few more chances than usual. Go for the gold, and don’t be surprised if you actually get it!


If you’ve been expecting a settlement of some kind, today it might finally come or show signs of coming soon, Taurus. This is a great day to invest in a home, land, or property. It’s especially necessary to read the fine print before signing anything. Your mind might be a little foggy. Anything you have to do could require a little more concentration than usual.


Some paperwork might need attention today, Gemini. You may also be on the phone a lot. Communication should be clear, open, and honest, so you’ll accomplish exactly what you need to. An intimate and loving conversation could take place between you and a close friend or lover who might follow up with a visit to your home.


Physically, Cancer, you feel strong and energetic. This is a good day to look into expanding your horizons. All signs point to personal and career success. Some surprising communications from friends or neighbors could bring fascinating information your way. You’ll know just what to do with it. Follow your instincts!


Ingenuity and practicality lead to success now. Something may be accomplished that has meant a lot to you, Leo, and you should feel particularly satisfied with yourself and maybe even a little excited. A lot of comings and goings could take place in the home today, with visitors and family members popping in and out. Stay centered.


You might put a lot of effort into the appearance of your house. Some people you’d like to impress could visit your home tonight, Virgo. You should be especially intuitive now, so don’t be surprised if you anticipate what they’ll say before they say it. Make it work for you! Success through entertaining and the astute use of intuition are highly indicated.


A group you’re affiliated with could meet somewhere in your neighborhood, Libra. Though you’re usually more sensitive and intuitive than others, today you could be feeling especially so. Expect a lot of phone calls and visitors. Don’t be surprised if you can read their minds! Artistic and creative interests could also be important to you now.


This is a period when your business and financial interests continue to fly high. You may feel disoriented at times, as everything seems to be happening at once, Scorpio. Yet all you can do is go with the flow. You’re on a roll! Matters involving friendship and love also are changing rapidly, mostly for the better, though you might leave some longtime companions behind.


As career and money matters continue to advance, your self-confidence is high and your mind is very positive. You should continue to attract good fortune. Expect more pleasant surprises and sudden breaks this month, Sagittarius. You’ll attract new friendships based on shared spiritual values, and old friendships should solidify even more. Life is treating you well.


Your ESP continues to expand, Capricorn, and you sense what friends are feeling without their saying anything. Don’t be surprised if one is hiding some repressed anger! The chance to travel may come up unexpectedly, and you could be in a quandary about going. Consider it carefully. If it’s feasible, go for it. This isn’t the time to hold back.


The execution of contracts and other legal documents looks favorable now, Aquarius. You might consider going into business, perhaps in a partnership with some friends. This looks good, but there’s a chance that one of them has been keeping things from you, and this might make you angry. Honest communication is necessary in order to succeed at a new enterprise.


Everyone is likely to be making demands on you right now, which can have you in a dither. A career success could be offset by an upset with a partner over a miscommunication. This should be worked out, but it might take the wind out of your sails if you let it, Pisces. It would be a good idea to derail any upset before it runs you down. Invite your partner out to celebrate!
