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Jessila: Le 31/05/2022 à 07:21 | MAJ à 31/05/2022 à 07:21
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Publié : Le 31/05/2022 à 07:21 | MAJ à 31/05/2022 à 07:21
Par : Jessila


Explore your innovative, irrational side today, Aries. Go deep. Your emotions might rebel to this departure from the norm, but instead of letting this put a damper on your progress, let that energy to spur you to action. Take advantage of the new gadgets and technology available to you. Incredible resources lie at your fingertips. Don’t be afraid to harness their power to your advantage.


You might want to stay in and not speak to anyone today, Taurus. If you decide to put on your facemask and go out for some exercise, you could run into opposition wherever you turn. Don’t see this as negative. Use it as incentive to work harder toward your goals. There are strong forces egging you on, so act confidently. Find a way to release your pent-up emotions, or they’ll do you more harm than good.


You may not feel like you’re clicking with anything today, Gemini. For any kind of resolution, adjustments are needed, either by you or by the people you’re dealing with. Your emotions may feel tied to the ground while your mind wants to take off into the stratosphere. Dilemmas between whether to take action or stay passive could leave you paralyzed. Just go with the flow.


Examine your emotions, Cancer, and trust your instincts. Unexpected forces may disrupt your preferred flow of things. Know that you’ll have no problem keeping the situation under control as long as you stay solid and focused. Your actions today will have long-lasting effects, so be conscious of how you use your energy. Incorporate the old as well as the new in your game plan.


This is one of those days in which you might not be fully appreciated for the wonderful breath of fresh air you bring to the group, Leo. It may seem that the old and the stale are seeking revenge on anyone attempting change. Don’t give in to the negative forces that would keep you from fully expressing yourself. Be confidence that you have what it takes to be successful in whatever path you decide to follow.


Don’t be surprised if things don’t go exactly according to plan today, Virgo. Unexpected events are likely to pop up and disturb the course of action. Realize that these disruptions have a place in your life and that they’re occurring for a reason. You might not understand exactly how or why, but that’s OK. You don’t need to know. Welcome these new energies into your life.


Emotionally speaking, you’re a bit vulnerable today, Libra, and it may be hard to find shelter from the storm. It’s drafty under your umbrella, and water seems to be leaking in from the top. Comfort yourself by centering and enjoying a quiet evening at home. Don’t let other people’s unsolved problems infect your space. Differentiate between issues that concern you and those that are out of your control.


Unexpected events may crop up and nudge you painfully, Scorpio. You could get the feeling that these thorns are poking out of nowhere simply to annoy you. Maintain a stable attitude and consider adding unconventional aspects to your daily routine. Today’s crazy whirlwind of activity could disrupt your emotions a bit. Don’t get frustrated by things you can’t control?it’s already a long list. Best not to dwell on it.


Today you have the ability to make an important breakthrough in something you’ve been working on, Sagittarius. Try not to get bogged down by emotions, which may leave you feeling heavy and stale. Infuse the day with a blast of unconventional thinking. Adopt a fresh attitude toward whatever it is you want to accomplish. A new perspective is all you need to make this day productive.

You may feel like you’re rubbing against sandpaper today, Capricorn. It’s probably a result of deep issues within yourself, possibly aggravated by the constant tension between old and new energies clashing within your world. This is one of those days in which things come to a head. Pieces of your inner being are hitting you square in the face. Blame it all on the COVID-19 crisis, treat yourself gently, and try again tomorrow.


You may feel like you’re walking on burning coals today, Aquarius. Someone has also tossed you a flaming ball, and you need to figure out what to do with it. Use your fancy footwork and juggling skills to keep from searing your feet and hands as you think fast about your next move. Being stubborn gets you nowhere. The key is staying flexible and going with the flow, because the unexpected might actually work in your favor.


Your emotions will feel stable today, Pisces, although an unexpected element might sneak into the equation. Be aware that people will be a bit more volatile. Although the situation may be calm and cool one minute, it could explode in the next minute. Try to stay centered all day so you don’t get thrown off course by other people’s erratic emotions. Social distancing could be your friend, providing a much-needed buffer.