You’re filled with vitality today, Aries, which means you’re going to feel great about yourself! You’re less afraid of introducing yourself to people and making requests. With fewer doubts about everything, including yourself, you’re comfortable working smarter instead of harder. Try to notice what, specifically, is making you feel so good. That way, you can recreate the feeling tomorrow.
You may have gotten a financial boost lately in the form of some sort of raise or reward, Taurus. The day ahead will make you realize that more discipline and work is necessary if you want to continue prospering. While there’s no need for anxiety, it’s a good time for putting together a strategy for the future?and not just any old strategy. Think airtight, waterproof, and fail-safe!
You’re almost certainly in a phase of psychological transformation, Gemini, and you’ve recently seen major changes in your circle of friends and associates. Today provides an opportunity to assess just where you are and how far you’ve come. For instance, you could be introduced to a new team that compels you to display your many talents. For an extrovert like you, this is right up your alley.
You might feel a little worn out right now, Cancer, as if you haven’t been getting enough vitamins or rest. This isn’t the best time to let your health falter! Maybe you feel like you’re losing track of issues that are important to you, such as your children’s interrupted education. Slow down a bit whether you or not want to. Today, give top priority to all the commonplace details of your daily life.
If you’re in love, Leo, you’ll love today. You could plan for almost anything from a little post-lockdown trip together (hopefully that day comes soon!) to a lifetime full of children and grandchildren. Even though your foresight sometimes eclipses your spontaneity, let yourself yield to the unexpected a little bit. The future will be a bright contrast after the comparative gloom of the past few weeks.
Virgo, you may feel a little tired and depressed over breakfast this morning. Domestic responsibilities sometimes overload your spirit. How about treating yourself to a short staycation?a little free time just for you? It’s vital for your morale! Take a safe walk and breathe fresh air through your facemask. Use the time off to draw up a weekly schedule that will make your workload seem less daunting.
This would be a good day for sorting out your business, Libra. File important papers and get rid of extraneous materials cluttering up your home workspace. Making time for this now will save you even more time in the long run. As for your love life, be expressive. Clear up any old misunderstandings that could interfere with your pleasure?even if social distance is a necessary evil. Above all, enjoy yourself!
Doctors are crazy busy during this horrible pandemic, Scorpio, but you don’t have to be sick for a non-urgent conversation with your health care provider. If you have questions about staying well or need reassurance about your physical being, that’s why he or she is there! Some self-care practices are just common sense, anyway. Get some rest, eat a good breakfast, take a brisk walk, and face the day renewed.
This should be a peaceful day for you, Sagittarius. Be sure to make the most of it, because it’s the calm before the storm. Look forward to discussions and exchanges with colleagues or close friends. Today would be ideal for tightening some of your professional ties. Certain people might suddenly seem more reasonable than you imagined them to be, so listen up!
“Evidence” is your word of the day, Capricorn. Everyone knows that you have a facility for spending your time thinking and analyzing. Today, on the other hand, you’ll actually be seeing things with great clarity. You won’t need to study, ponder, and review from every angle. It’s a little like you’ve just invented a new theory that repeatedly gets confirmed by others throughout the day. What a powerful feeling!
You will sail through this day on the gentlest of breezes, Aquarius. Even though you’ve been sheltering in place way too long, it’s like you’ve just come back from a week in the country. You’re calm, refreshed, and relaxed, and no amount of job-related trouble can shake the feeling. You see things in a more positive light. Problems that once seemed insurmountable now resolve themselves almost without your help. Lucky you!
If you’re looking for a new job, Pisces, perhaps this is the day you find it. “Lucky” is the word that sums up today! Without encouraging you to play the lottery, you can be pretty sure that you’ll feel a surge of confidence. You’ll be able to resolve big or small problems with practicality and ease. That’s lucky enough, isn’t it? In such uncertain times, it’s great to win big for a change.